
A collection of satirical, political, spiritual and humorous writings and ramblings on various topics, including current affairs and issues, the Great Awakening, health, toxins, prepping, bachelor life, and more. Look for commentary and stories meant for understanding, and even a good chuckle, as well as some useful tips and insights. Hermit tested and approved√

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Update: New-found Insights on Being a Cheap-Ass Bastard...

I gotta say, being a Cheap-Ass Bastard (CAB) is becoming really difficult, especially when it comes to food. My 'wake-up' over the last couple years has brought me to new insights, and an appreciation for both health and 'health foods'--nearly a 180-degree shift!. No longer will I settle for the toxic, preservative- and chemical-laden foods I used to savor (well, eat, anyways)--and NO GMOs. Yeah, the shit is cheap in terms of $$ cost, but, in the long run, can be quite expensive, when one considers the effects upon one's heath and well-being. Yup, I woke up…what I thought I could never afford I now cannot afford not to purchase.

Wiping the sleep from my eyes has resulted in a different view on what I can claim as being 'cheap'. Now, what is cheap is that which is non-toxic (or least-toxic), is NOT genetically engineered, but also provides good nutrition at a fair price. Yes, one will feel the bite and tug at the purse strings when considering what to choose, especially if considering organic vs processed crap I used to scarf up.

A lot of the attitude changes were pressed into service when I discovered that we were/are [basically] under chemical and biological attack by the multi-national corporate purveyors of poisons, and their gubment minions in the 'alphabet agencies' (once understood to be our protectors). When looking down the aisles at the local *mart or supamaaket, I now see the vast majority of the so-called 'foods' residing there are really food-like products, with no clear link to natural food's nutritional value, and most hardly fit for consumption (not even to my dog). So, yeah, that shit is no bargain, regardless of cost.

I now cringe at the thought of having to eat out of boxes and cans, especially after previewing their ingredient lists. OK, I confess that I still eat some of that, and use it for prepping (hey, its got preservatives), but I minimize my exposure AMAP. I go in there looking for fresh or fresh-frozen greens, fruit, and produce, and locally baked breads. I'm much more finicky about processed junk and 'meats'. The thing is, one must strive to prepare and process one's own food, rather than leaving that to the corporate whores--they will simply 'soft-kill' you, without hesitation, if it makes them a hefty profit. "Chemicals and additives that are carcinogens/excitotoxins/toxins/genetically spliced-in? or poisonous? problem". ON TOP OF THAT? BPA-laden canned and bottled stuff; why NOT make them all fat, diabetic, and infertile? Pfft. Go for the glass, man--THE GLASS...

One thing that sets these [$$-costly] less-processed foods apart is that they require more TIME & EFFORT to prepare and cook. This inconvenience is probably the main factor that keeps people buying the poisonous crap they KNOW they shouldn't. I'll put it this way; if you don't make it from 'scratch', you're likely poisoning yourself with a host of crap you cannot pronounce, and likely has never been tested for adverse fx (eg., many chemicals & all GMO products and BYPRODUCTS) One usually can't simply rip open a box or can and slop it into the microwave, if we are talking 'real' food. Now, I do have time in my day to cook, but I'll admit to being lazy on occasion, and succumbing to the siren wail of the Bean and Bacon Soup or some chili w/ beans and a hotdog--or even a sandwich on white bread. Hey, I'm only human--but I really put an effort out to minimize that.

Anyways, Now my CAB mission is to locate foods that are actually good for me, at the best price. For example,  it is much cheaper to get frozen veggies instead of fresh, and usually one can save some prep-time because they are often chopped and washed already. Pesticide residue is pernicious and I often question my ability to get it off a lot of produce, especially on, like, kale. Therefore, sometimes it may not be best going the 'farm-fresh' route. Getting any fresh meat that isn't hormone/antibiotic-laden is nearly impossible, but I don't have a work-around yet, really. Thinking about raising some poultry in the back yard, and fish/veggies in an aquaculture setup…



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