A collection of satirical, political, spiritual and humorous writings and ramblings on various topics--Hermit tested and approved√
A collection of satirical, political, spiritual and humorous writings and ramblings on various topics, including current affairs and issues, the Great Awakening, health, toxins, prepping, bachelor life, and more. Look for commentary and stories meant for understanding, and even a good chuckle, as well as some useful tips and insights. Hermit tested and approved√
Please check or re-check the 'Seminal' video series OFTEN for updated content &/or videos...GT
Friday, December 8, 2017
Seminal Videos Part 3:
The Corporate Whoredom
(click on picture [above] to view enlarged!--yes. do...)
Continuing the 'series'...
Both Presidents Eisenhower & Kennedy openly warned Americans of the 'deep state' corporate whoredom which had taken over aspects of our 'government' (see videos below), and the underhanded, secretive M.O. with which they employ to do their evil.
Though many are likely aware of such warnings, I would wager many do NOT have much understanding of a previous all-out military coup attempt by corporate fascists, in America, in 1933 (see video below). Is this a coincidence? That was the year that the crooks in charge decided to take away all the Americans' gold AND the same year that A. Hitler and his henchmen began to take over Germany's system, in order to put forth a socialist/nationalist/fascist rule, utilizing mass propaganda, false flags, and social Psy-Ops...
The aforementioned eventually led to WWII, millions of deaths, and the establishment of a global world government plan. The same groups are still in control of global governance as 'stakeholders', by, of and for corporate profits. $$$ is their goal, and they do it by control of the various corporate 'governments', world-wide. THINK: Who is the dominant power of the EU [again!] , and what insane agendas are being pushed by it? (Hint: contains 'German')...What becomes of Europe flooded by Muslim 'Migrants'--it is a slap-in-the face invasion...C'mon.
The recent events are a harbinger of all the globalists' ecumenical [e.g., 'chrislam'] takeover to birth a new 'Reich' (Roman church-state), though following the Papal lines of "bull" and UN global authority structures + financial/banking institutions. Game over man? RU Ready?
All other versions of this video that I have seen have scratchy audio or bad video, so I decided to put together this one with the best quality of both.
Jump to Ike's warning about the "unwarranted influence... by the Military-Industrial Complex"
Was JFK's comment on "secret societies" a statement against the "NWO"? I searched this famous quote and finally found the full unedited written transcript and audio of this speech.
JFK was actually talking about current events of the cold war and how nontraditional enemies were gaining information on how the US was battling this war. In this speech JFK actually points out "the need for far greater "official" secrecy"...as well as "the need for a far greater public information
A seminal video exposes historical bases of reality, and the money-grubbing 'elite' who own & control everything--including 'HISTORY'...
('POOP'TUBE ADDY: https://youtu.be/aLXvmZiEGWo )
POSTED BY: Icelandic Watchman Published on Mar 2, 2015
"This video blocked in 51 countries WHY??? try to dispute this please, We have all been duped. The world is not what we have been told, and is run by unbelievably sick Satanic "people"."
It's a sordid tale of fascist intrigue by some of America's most famous corporate and political families (including members of FDR's own party) which was deliberately covered up by both the only Congressional Committee to investigate the plot, and also by the leading media outlets of the day including the New York Times. And the truly scary part is that the plot might very well have succeeded if not for the bravery of a single, progressive leader: Marine General, Smedley Butler.
The Corporation Nation Master (2010) - Full Length
This is an early version of Corporation Nation that has a couple errors. 1) $ amount of pension funds is 26 trillion, not 36 trillion. 2) There are a couple millions that should be billions, or visa versa. http://www.onedollardvdproject.com now carries the DVD for $2. Give them to friends and family. Really...
The De Facto Corporate fraud called
Published on Aug 27, 2012
The re-inhabited Republic for the united states of America
Recorded from a live Wednesday night recruiting conference call on August 22, 2012.
Moderator and speaker is Kelby Smith
Good morning, I’m still reporting on: The Money Masters.
After 21 years, at last our 1996 documentary, “The Money Masters” arrives on this channel.
Synopsis: The history of the debt money system promulgated by privately-owned central banks masquerading as central banks owned by the state and operating in the public interest. How monetary reform can fix the problems caused by the resulting "national debt" system of money creation.
This film was made one year before the introduction of digital video. It was filmed and edited on video tape and consequently, every time it was copied, it lost resolution. This copy was made directly off the DVD to which it was transferred about 10 years ago. In the future, I hope to reassemble the original master version which was on Sony beta video tape and remaster a version with substantially higher resolution; but, in the meantime, this will have to suffice.
Bill Still
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