
A collection of satirical, political, spiritual and humorous writings and ramblings on various topics, including current affairs and issues, the Great Awakening, health, toxins, prepping, bachelor life, and more. Look for commentary and stories meant for understanding, and even a good chuckle, as well as some useful tips and insights. Hermit tested and approved√

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On Being a 'Cheap-Ass-Bastard'...

Now, I know that there are some with whom I am familiar that might label me as being 'cheap', a 'tightwad', or perhaps even a 'cheap-ass bastard'. Granted, living on limited means for many years, I suppose my spending habits have contributed to such  designations. I personally prefer the term 'frugal', considering that my frugality is more a function of wise money management, at least in my view. Nevertheless, I guess you could say that I have mastered the art of 'savin' o' the green', and that I am willing to share some golden nuggets of wisdom with the lucky few who visit here...

Saving Big $$ on...

  • Food: Keep in mind that, although eating is a necessity, it need not be a great pleasure. Thus, limiting both the quantity and quality of the stuff you eat is of utmost importance! As sedentary beings, humans need very little sustenance to accommodate our true bodily (caloric) needs. Whoever started that 'three meals a day' tradition  was probably either working for the food industry (eg., those evil cereal companies), or was actually doing physical labor. Ha! very few of us can boast more than a casual trip from door-to-car or car-to-door as our 'exercise' regimen. So, first off, stop consuming so much food, and your food budget will see a windfall. You might even lose a few pounds, thereby increasing your health and lifespan. Second, forget the 'good stuff'; exotic, fresh, name-brand, and/or 'organic' foods, as well as 'eating out' at favorite restaurants. Hell, one decent meal at a local sushi bar could cost the equivalent of a month's worth of groceries--Don't do it. If it's not highly processed, or not out of a box or can, its likely just too costly! Remember, we only need a little food to get by, and what little you do eat doesn't have to be good. Invest in a (off-brand) multi-vitamin to supplement your crappy diet.
  • Generic &/or 'store brand' items are your friends. These might not taste or look as good as national brands, but they are cheap, and more often than not, are just as good for you. Conversely, they may be just as good (tasting), and they may rival or surpass so-called 'national brands'. In fact, my favorite coffee is a ***-mart 'generic', and its the best I've tasted. This brings to mind a beer-tasting party I once attended--the blind taste tests yielded greater support for a black-and-white can labeled 'Beer' than any other...
  • Coupons are for suckers; they suck you in to supposed great bargains. Problem? You are still buying over-priced goods with huge markups, based upon huge multinational advertising $$ overheads. Overall, you'll do better buying the cheap-ass generics that may not taste as good. Mayhap being 'not as tasty' will significantly reduce your consumption, thereby saving additional $$--a win-win.
  • Eat a lot of filling staple foods and fats; bulk up with beans, rice, and pastas to fill you up, without gaining all that (overstated) nutrition value. Also, maintain a high fat diet with highly-processed 'meats' like hotdogs and salami. Soon, your wallet will begin to bulge more than your waist-line. Breads are another staple that are cheap, filling, and nearly devoid of nutrition--again, go for the cheapy-brand.
  • Canned and boxed foods optimize your food dollars, and generics even more so. Sure, they are packed full of preservatives and junk you can't even pronounce, and they might not taste very good--but you will likely eat less, and you will definitely save some green. Avoid fresh meats and vegetables at all costs; not only are they full of hormones and pesticides, but they just cost too much. They may also be delicious, which should raise more than a few 'red flags'...

To be continued...[tips on eating out]

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