Seminal 'Awakening' Videos (Part 1) [updated June 2018]
Over the course of the process of my own awakening, I have encountered quite a few well-made videos that I would deem 'seminal' to achieving understanding & gaining Truth to reveal an alternate, or underlying reality in which we exist. However, an awakening is a complex process, encompassing the attainment of eclectic knowledge of many, many 'topics' or categories, and on multiple levels. It's not as simple as gaining a 'KEY' or some sort of monolithic comprehension, eliciting an epiphany, like, "POOF!" Wow! I get it ALL now..."
Nope--Sorry, it's not that easy. There are multiple facets of understanding, and even then, often many levels of understanding within each of multiple topics. Thus, as individuals, and given that each has a different process, &/or experience, everyone will exist at differing 'levels' or depths of processing. That is, one man's 'truth' will not necessarily match any others.
Seeking Truth seems to be a fairly sequential process, building from basic to deep understandings; i.e., in order to gain a mastery of math, one must learn addition & subtraction in order to understand how to multiply and divide, and so on--it is a process. Furthermore, it is an individual process. That is, although there is likely "A Truth" or "THE Truth", most will not necessarily reach a full understanding, and, if even possible, both the process and timing of such an (individual) achievement would not likely 'synch' with any other's process or experience.
However, there ARE common, or shared, understandings, on a basic level, and I believe that most people who seek the Truth will come to share some basic understandings within any particular topic or field of knowledge. The KEY conception and realization, and a prerequiste to everyone's process, however, is accepting the fact that there is A 'God', or Creator, who established and presides over the Truth, and REALITY, as He designed it.
In the beginning, I had not yet recognized that the realm of Truth involved both physical and spiritual 'realities'. Comprehending that fact led me to greater understanding of the systems of the physical, or carnal reality, and then to greater understanding of the SPIRITUAL reality, which was also deeply hidden amongst layers of deception. One's own process &/or experience may be similar, or not; one may have a good spiritual understanding, but be clueless as to the worldy 'truths', or anywhere in between, on a continuum. All I know, for sure, is that one needs to understand that ALL of us are deceived, on many levels, and that one must come to realize the necessity of grasping truths affecting both dimensions. Man is both physical AND spiritual...
Seeking &/or attaining understandings, in a process of seeking Truth, as I am now assured, is guided by a spiritual hand. That is, Truth--THE Truth--is the sole purview, realm and function of the Creator; it springs forth from Him (the source of ALL). Therefore, comprehending Truth and gaining true wisdom (thereby understanding reality) is impossible, without seeking an understanding of the Most High (Yahuah). By the same token, seeking and understanding--knowing--the Creator, the author of Truth, leads one to an understanding of reality, as He made it to be; they are inseparable.
Understanding and accepting the existence and sovereignty of the Most High (Creator) leads one to Truth. However, it also leads one to an understanding that there is an opposing force that seeks to HIDE the Truth, or mask it from view or comprehension, by DECEPTION. The 'father' of LIES plays an active role in establishing & maintaining our FALSE conceptions of 'reality', as he would have us believe, in order to separate Man from their Creator (Yahuah).
Thus, in my understanding, the greater part of seeking Truth is uncovering and accepting the deep deceptions that have become entrenched in the beliefs--in the MINDS--of Man. Belief in false realities, set up through the intricate systems of the adversaries, often precludes or occludes one's search &/or attainment of Truth &/or understanding. That is, the adversaries (Satan and his servants, in both spiritual and physical realms) have set up systems of control and authority which create (and maintain) the false 'reality'--the LIE-- that the unwary (unknowingly) accept as both 'truth' & 'reality'. One must recognize basic Truth[s] to understand this KEY...
It is my hope that by posting many of these 'seminal' videos in one location, I might be able to enable and/or enhance the process of understanding &/or uncovering the Truth, by providing such 'basics'. My own awakening process began with the acknowledgement that things were not as they outwardly SEEM, or appear to be, as I came to understand that the systems of (worldly) authority were conveying LIES and false BELIEFS--beliefs that created and maintained my false conceptions of 'reality'--the ways things SEEMED to be. In time, I began to understand the greater importance of the spiritual dimension, and seeking the Creator, through understanding His Ways (and those of Satan, who seeks to prevent same).
One must come to study the Most High through His revealed Word; the scriptures are the definitive sources and the process is guided and/or limited by spiritual capacity. On the other hand, understanding many 'worldly' truths may be more a function of one's capacity for introspection and being open to accepting information that diametrically opposes one's world views & belief systems. This too is a difficult endeavor. However, I believe the process is enhanced by spiritual discernment and leading.
Regardless, the content that I will be posting here, over time, will relate predominantly to the understanding of the more basic (worldly) deceptions, and uncovering the lies and false beliefs that affect one in the 'here-and-now'. That said, there likely will be videos exposing false beliefs and/or doctrine that tend to keep one from Truth, within the spiritual realm. Such will not be meant to be spiritual guidance or instruction. I have no way of knowing where one is with regards to their personal, &/or spiritual journey, and I don't claim to be anyone's 'shepherd'. I have no interest in being followed or to receive thanks or accolades--all glory and thanks properly goes to the Most High. It is by His will, I believe, that one arrives here to see what is revealed. I do pray that everyone does come to the acceptance of Truth, and knowledge of the Father, and that these videos might be a positive influence upon one's processes.
I'm fairly well-assured that the vast majority of people have NO IDEA of the deceptions of the WORLDLY systems to which we are exposed and to which we are enslaved; viewing and understanding these videos, I hope, will be a good start to begin an awakening...
May all readers, viewers and/or listeners gain a blessing of discernment and a call to act upon that which is revealed. Amein.
NOTE: The diverse subject matter of these various videos, the information provided, and many opinions or beliefs expressed therein, are not necessarily ALL validated, nor supported by me, personally. Each individual is responsible for testing & evaluating the veracity of information, on one's own journey. GL and godspeed ;)
(there will be no 'order' or preference as to importance or 'value' within these--just adding them as I see them or become aware/remember them...)
Infowars' production of:
"State of Mind; the Psychology of Control"
Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is
it part of the federal government? How does it create money? Why is the
public kept in the dark about these important matters? In this
feature-length documentary film, The Corbett Report explores these
important question and pulls back the curtain on America's central bank.
How Big Oil Conquered the World (1/2)
Published on Dec 27, 2015
From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the oil industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world. And this is the story of those who helped shape that world, and how the oil-igarchy they created is on the verge of monopolizing life itself..
**NOTE: follow the link[s] here and/or below to go to CorbetReport's site and get free downloads mp4 or mp3!
Why Big Oil Conquered The World (part 2/2)
The 20th century was the century of oil. From farm to fork, factory to
freeway, there is no aspect of our modern life that has not been shaped
by the oil industry. But as the "post-carbon" era of the 21st century
comes into view, there are those who see this as the end of the
oiligarchy. They couldn't be more wrong. This is the remarkable true
story of the world that Big Oil is creating, and how they plan to bring
it about.
see also: How Big Oil Conquered the World
Data is the New Oil
Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan
[note: This is the infamous 'main' author of the 1970s book "Ecoscience", which proposes forced sterility by adding chemicals (i.e., pharmakeia--sorceries; see Strong's G5331) to food, water and the environment, for purposes of sterilizing & depopulating the world. Interestingly, it was co authored by A. Holdren, who would become the Obamination regime's 'science czar' in what became the most overtly anti-human, anti-science and anti-Truth administration EVER in the US of A.
If YOU think that 'they' are NOT indeed adding chemicals, 'meds' & toxins (including 3G, 4G & 5G frequency pollutions) to carry out their depopulation scheme(s), then YOU are still DREAMING. *Please* take the RED PILL. THIS SCHEME is/was/has been suggested in books, articles, white papers (scientific writings, NGO policies, etc.) and by predictive programming put out in various media venues...THINK.
Related videos abound on my YT channel--please connect the DOTS! Sociocultural programming combines with covert means of poisoning all of Mankind, in this MOST EVIL OF PLANS. It is and has been irreversibly implemented, ALREADY. Fertility and birth rates have collapsed, and within a generation or so, 'Western' (mainly 'christian') societies are projected to be replaced or be overcome BY DESIGN. THE SO-CALLED 'MIGRANT' (INVASION) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS PLAN...IT IS NOT BY CHANCE OR COINCIDENCE; IT WAS ORGANIZED, PLANNED & is/was/will be CARRIED OUT. THE HEAD WILL BECOME THE TAIL, AND FOREIGNERS WILL RULE IN OUR OWN LANDS...DO YOU GET IT?
This is prophecy; it WILL be fulfilled. Whether it will come now or later depends upon recognizing Truth and ACTING upon the knowledge & understanding.]
Published [YT] on Jun 5, 2018
Data is the New Oil
Published on Nov 24, 2017
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: In this follow up to Why Big Oil Conquered the World, James further explores the concept of technocracy. If "Data is the New Oil" then what does that tell us about the 21st century oligarchy and the world that they are creating? And, once we understand the technocratic prison they are creating, how do we escape it? Don't miss this important episode of The Corbett Report podcast.
Published on Nov 24, 2017
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: In this follow up to Why Big Oil Conquered the World, James further explores the concept of technocracy. If "Data is the New Oil" then what does that tell us about the 21st century oligarchy and the world that they are creating? And, once we understand the technocratic prison they are creating, how do we escape it? Don't miss this important episode of The Corbett Report podcast.
End Game - Blueprint For Global Enslavement - With Extras
America : Freedom to Fascism
Published on Nov 15, 2011
Purchase full quality Director's cut DVD here: Rate film here - note the divide between reviews of corrupt corporate media and the people:
The true enemies of liberty and all modern societies and people are the central bank counterfeiters. The largest counterfeiter in the history of the world consists of the Federal Reserve banking scheme, which counterfeits American dollars through fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.
Rockefeller Medicine

Meet the Corporatocracy
Published on Oct 12, 2012
New World Order Bible Versions Full Movie
Published on Apr 15, 2014
Certain Bible versions have been altered to actually praise Lucifer as "the true God". This is a must see for all!
The Story of Your Enslavement
Published on Apr 17, 2010
We can only be kept in the cages we do not see. A brief history of human enslavement - up to and including your own.
The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money 4
Published on Oct 15, 2013
Bonus Presentation here: Who owns the Federal reserve? You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world... it's a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet. Most people can feel deep down that something isn't quite right with the world economy, but few know what it is. efforts to post more videos is somehow no longer showing, so I am continuing this 'series' in additional post[s]...see more recent post[s]...GT
Twisting the Ten Commandments / In the Stream of Time - Walter Veith
Published on May 4, 2017
This lecture with Walter Veith will prove how God’s law still matters, and how modern day religious leaders have used blasphemous power to change times and laws.
Twisting the Ten Commandments / In the Stream of Time - Walter Veith
Published on May 4, 2017
This lecture with Walter Veith will prove how God’s law still matters, and how modern day religious leaders have used blasphemous power to change times and laws.
The Biggest Scam
The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money 4
Published on Oct 15, 2013
Bonus Presentation here: Who owns the Federal reserve? You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world... it's a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet. Most people can feel deep down that something isn't quite right with the END of 'Part 1'...
to be continued
Twisting the Ten Commandments / In the Stream of Time - Walter Veith
Published on May 4, 2017
This lecture with Walter Veith will prove how God’s law still matters, and how modern day religious leaders have used blasphemous power to change times and laws.
Twisting the Ten Commandments / In the Stream of Time - Walter Veith
Published on May 4, 2017
This lecture with Walter Veith will prove how God’s law still matters, and how modern day religious leaders have used blasphemous power to change times and laws.
The Biggest Scam
The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money 4
Published on Oct 15, 2013
to be continued
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