What Busy Little Bees We Are…
Buzzing to and fro, in our day-to-day lives, going about our assigned tasks, thereafter settling down for the evening with a relaxing bout of mindless recreation; TV shows and movies, browsing the internet and checking emails or social sites, or perhaps engaging in a mindless episode of video gaming. Throughout the day and night, the majority engage in a pattern of activities that are fairly consistent—and predictably routine. Drones in a collective, content in our existences. Every move monitored, and every act profiled for predictability, by some AI algorithm. After all, we are all simply an insignificant part of the collective, or cog in the machine.
Somehow, we all got lost in the hive mentality, in the collective of expectations and programmed behaviors. The hive-masters trained us how to think and act in nascent training operations; we know that bucking authority is simply not tolerated. We understand that thinking ‘outside the box’ is simply not tolerated; after all, we all need to think, act, and feel the same to maintain the collective. It is for the good of all that we must sacrifice our selfish—even whimsical— individualisms.
Instructions from the collective polls say that xx% of us feel this way or that, about any given topic or issue, so one should certainly consider altering one’s thoughts and behaviors to align with the hive. Constant, omnipresent hive suggestions—programming instructions—the overt and covert advertisements, direct us regarding to what we should be wanting, and the goal-directed activities that will result in our rewards. Working hard and striving towards these ends will make us happy; we all understand this to be veridical. We hear, and we adjust, and we adapt, and obey. We are the Borg; resistance is futile.
Sometimes the collective needs us to abruptly change thoughts and behaviors it deems to be important. The best way to do so is to implement radical enforcements of seemingly bizarre, and unbeknownst, rules related to undesirable thoughts and behaviors. These top-down directives are meant to rapidly quash any and all antithetical thoughts and behaviors.
For example, to convey that we should have no expectation of rights to privacy, or to freely move about, we are openly and randomly stopped and searched, even cavity searched, as a matter of principle, whilst going about our day-to-day. It’s almost like a ‘reward’ to get through it rapidly—like, “…man, I got through to the gate in under an hour”. Amazing. Similarly, it is ‘leaked’ that we are all under constant surveillance whenever we do anything, in our homes, online, on the phone, or simply going about our assigned day-to-day. We are video-monitored on the street, and surveilled from satelites, balloon airships and drones. Omniscient and omnipresent, our hive-god is. We are powerless and defenseless against the greater will of the hive; we get it.
Likewise, a child playing in his own backyard, with his own plastic toy weapon, or anyone with the audacity to form a gun-shape out of a toaster pastry (or even gesturing with a finger-point) should be immediately detained, even arrested, and suspended from school (regardless of the fact the child was at home during said ‘infraction’). OK; guns are horrible, and to be feared, and we will not even think about them, much less own or use them. This, despite our hive rulers being the wielder of armies and weapons of mass destruction—and the most prevalent purveyor of arms sales, worldwide. Hmph. Hard to get a handle on such hypocrisy, I know. But, we should accept it as the will of the hive, and know that it is all for the best, for us all.
Yes, The young and the elder alike, we all assimilate our collective directives. At first, these ‘adjustments’ may just seem to be insane; later we get it, and conformity becomes uniform, as we all know it should be. We adapt and accept, without criticism or question.
It’s all about the collective. Independent, individual thoughts and actions cannot be tolerated. Take your typical ‘whistleblower’; probably the lowest form of life on the planet. Such a person would challenge the hive with alternate versions of reality, to the detriment of us all. We must strive to demonize exposing the collective to information that is not hive-sponsored, and track down, prosecute, or eliminate any infractions. If truth infects the hive, the only result is chaos and rebellion—the hive would collapse—the system would fail. Call in a drone strike...
Besides, what can a single person do to impact anything? What good would it do to think or act differently? All it could do would ultimately lead to change, that which we say that we want or need, but to which we, in reality, are truly resistant. We crave the mundane, the everyday, the status quo—the routine! The hive. The school. The herd. It is so safe being a part of the collective, regardless of the predations, both foreign and domestic.
As an individual, one might stick out, only to be struck down. Like the notorious ‘whistleblower’. We can’t have anything exposed about the hive that could disrupt the administration of power. We need consistency and order. After all, one might willfully expose a new idea, or invent a device that could cause unnecessary change or progression, resulting in utter chaos. Electric light bulbs, telephones, and televisions, the internet—we have all this. We need no new input to the collective. Be still, and be safe; do your work, and pay your dues, and think and act as you are told—be a good slave—umm, I mean, drone, and no harm will befall you.
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