
A collection of satirical, political, spiritual and humorous writings and ramblings on various topics, including current affairs and issues, the Great Awakening, health, toxins, prepping, bachelor life, and more. Look for commentary and stories meant for understanding, and even a good chuckle, as well as some useful tips and insights. Hermit tested and approved√

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Gold, Silver, and 'Money' in a Collapsing World; Real Options, or Continuation of a BS Belief System?

[Note: a large portion of this post was the content of a [my] comment on a popular bullion marketer's site; for the most part, I believe that they are honest and sincere in both their beliefs and intentions. However, I also believe that they are deceiving themselves because they cling to the mistaken beliefs that they can somehow profit  from the upcoming financial collapse and globalist takeover. I suggest that this mindset, and greed, are the very reasons behind the fascist banksterism we face today. Here, I am editing-in some additional explanatory text (in '<< >>' to addend my previous comments...]

First off, I tend to agree on 99% of your conclusions; real money is king, and something we all should strive to secure. However, the greatest caveat, and what I fear is the undoing of all such efforts, is the confiscatory nature of the fascists and globalist banksters. As in 1933, They can (and likely WILL) simply outlaw private ownership of gold (and/or silver), and then substitute it with a devalued fiat currency (new/old--doesn't matter). If one had invested the majority of their wealth into gold [silver], then this leaves one basically penniless. 'They' want to destroy the middle class and establish a more permanent serfdom, without fear of competition or the chances of rebellion financed by former investors, especially via true capitalism and free markets. That will all be shut down. Power will be maintained by controlling all commodities, and necessities such as food and water and power [gas/electricity]. As mentioned below, all resources will become state-controlled after a state of emergency is called, for whatever reason. Financial collapse, flood, earthquake, epidemic, social unrest, false-flag 'terror' attack; you name it--they will create some kind of issue that will enable the takeover... Note that 'Bama already decreed the phased shutting down of all US coal-power plants, which makeup 50-60% of our total energy supply, and has admitted that under his plan, energy costs will necessarily "skyrocket".
Regarding the destruction of the middle class, one has to realize their intent and ultimate goals. The intricately crafted, government-sponsored housing/banking crash in 2008-2009 was successful in lowering the middle-class (in numbers) by like 40%, in one fell swoop. Massive amounts of wealth were stolen, and foreclosed upon, by the unscrupulous, who were then rewarded with 'bailouts' in the billions--who then simply pocketed these profits and rewarded their criminal CEOs with huge bonuses. Not only that, but then our remaining mortgages either went to the gub'ment or were lapped-up on the cheap by the 1% (insiders). Get it? bonuses for fat cats doing what the criminals wanted to see happen. Duh. The process continues; 'bama-care is simply another extension of the same process--a big tax on everybody, further gub'ment deficit spending, and a reduction in both jobs and hours employed = poorer populations, and small businesses going bust=depression and financial collapse. They mean to make the USA a serfdom of dependents>>
That said, it's a cinch that 'they' will establish national socialist, and/or global socialist control, quash all legitimate competition, and establish monopolistic mega-market systems to bleed off any remaining wealth accumulations remaining, after a gold/silver confiscation [which may initiate rioting or unrest, and in turn, martial law]. This would be done easily, since they can, and will, confiscate &/or control all modes of production, transport, and sales (already passed the laws/orders in US), in the event of any economic [or other] 'emergency' [yup, martial law]. <> Being that the gubment has been gearing up and training for such a takeover for several years (look it up!), what makes anyone think that 'they' will let their potential resistors have/keep any resources? I wouldn't bet my life on it.
<< It's all about the money, and the power that it gives, in the hands of a few elites in charge of the mega-corporations; once their monopolies are setup, they will rule via the power to raise prices at will, further enslaving and impoverishing the population. This is how they will easily achieve dominance, and retain control over us. The extensive spy network will make organizing opposition quite difficult, as well. We're talking virtual serfdom and a fascist takeover, here--with government & business as allies--which will make Hitler and Mao look like boy scouts. Believe me, the more you dig into this, the more you will see this more clearly (see Resistance post below)>>
If you folks want to truly be prepared, it would be best to secure foodstuffs, water purification and storage avenues, and perhaps some basic source of power [storage/generation system], such as solar. Learn to grow food; can be done in buckets or containers easily, anywhere. Get some networks of friends and family organized to deal with the upcoming inevitability, and make plans for your [physical] security, as well. You know what I mean…
God bless and keep you all

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