The saddest part about ‘waking up’ and discovering the truth about how the world really works (as opposed to how most people believe it does), is that almost nobody else around is mentally or psychologically prepared to believe or accept what one has come to embrace as said 'truth'. This fact compounds the agony of one’s personal wakeup realizations. It is excruciating to both experience the transitions personally, but also amplified, in the process of trying to disseminate that which was learned to others; people that make a difference in your life--friends and family. Know that they will resist, and scoff, and maybe even laugh at you, or think you have gone crazy. Unfortunately, this is normal. In psychological terms, it's called a 'normalcy bias', among other things [look it up, or take my word; I have a degree in the field]. For sake of simplicity, the gist is that most people are highly resistant to change, ‘new’ information and especially to new ‘truths’, or to anything that challenges their world-view or beliefs. I know I was. It can be very frustrating.
The resistance phenomena are even worse when the target audience is older, and especially in the elderly [or really stubborn or curmudgeonous people]. They have had time for the propaganda and the system to become deeply ingrained into their belief system, and even their personality. This is why it is so important for the 'system' to get to our youngsters as early as possible, and maintain control of our "education" throughout the formative years. Once ingrained, they feel safe and secure with their beliefs, and often will doggedly resist any challenge to them. Maybe it isn't even possible to get through to them, like trying to convert an atheist to Christianity. They might hem and haw, or even show passive-aggressive 'acceptance' of some things you might propose to expound upon. They may simply 'go along' with your ramblings, while privately ignoring or doubting you, or even thinking you have gone quite insane. But it's worth a try, if they are really important to you. Perhaps just one seed of truth will find fertile ground, to be nourished by a more 'trusted' source; one which has already made some impact on their integral belief system. Take heart, because, just as you resisted at first, the process is beginning. Bear in mind that the psychic trauma of change is tolerated at different rates, for different people...
It’s all about resistance; resistance to change. Although we all [apparently, or on the surface] claim to want ‘change’ [yeah, the 'fav' slogan of many politicians], the truth is that people are highly resistant to change of any kind. We get set in our ways, and are secure in our little bubbles of existence, and in our system of beliefs. Continuity, security and stability is what we really want and need—not change. Psychologically, one tends to cling tightly to one’s beliefs, and belief systems, so I see this as normal. One must be overwhelmed by facts, over time, in order to come to accept the antithetical as being veridical. This does indeed take time. The process involves discovery and research, and then evaluations, which may or may not lead to acceptance. There have been times when I, myself, simply could not believe some aspect of the truth, but then, after gathering all the facts and inputs, over time, reluctantly surrendered. It may be likened to a form of the 'snowball effect'.
Yes, it is a truly painful process, but it is a process. One doesn’t simply [literally] wake up one day realizing that one has been totally deceived—duped—and that nearly everything one believes about the way things are, is simply a pile of total bullshit—all lies. It’s not like having an epiphany (‘poof!’ “…OOooh!, now I see it all so clearly…what a fool I was…” ). On the contrary, it seems more like a ladder, or a staircase; each step taking one closer and closer to the truth, as one gradually comes to accept it, incrementally. This means there are different levels of truth and acceptance, as well.
Resistance is the friend of the oppressors, because it delays or prevents absorption and/or acceptance of new truths [‘the’ truth?], or concepts which challenge one’s current beliefs. ‘They’ count on it as one of their main security features. It is a huge advantage, and one that they actively seek to maintain through the various propaganda sources that they control, including all educational institutions, and all the media. We are taught that which they wish us to believe from day one, and few other alternate sources even existed, before the internet.
However, how does one ‘wake up’ if one is inundated and saturated with all their lies and deception, over the entire course of a lifetime? I can only relate my own experiences—my process. I must add that I was totally unprepared, and that it would have been much less painful, and much faster, if I had the benefit of tutelage from a trusted family member, or even a friend or colleague; however, that was not the case.
Looking back, I am now convinced that my process began while researching the genetic contamination of our food supply (ie., GMOs). I’m not sure exactly how or when this was initiated, but let me tell you that I was horrified to discover that vital staples produced here in the USA had, in fact, been corrupted since the mid-1990s. Not only that, but the system, our government, the multinational corporations, and all the politicians involved, must have either had a hand in it, or had knowledge of this fact, and were benefitting from it in one way or another (can you say “corrupt”?). These so-called ‘foods’ had infiltrated fully into our food supply, seemingly (to me) without anyone’s awareness; a silent ‘coup’.
Moreover, in the course of my research, I discovered copious quantities of reliable, peer-reviewed evidence showing these ‘foods’ were harmful to the public consumer, and could be implicated in the majority of the recent ‘epidemics’ of disease, both acute and chronic; obesity, diabetes, food allergies, gut problems, autism, and even cancer. I was dumbfounded when confronted with the fact that these poisonous ‘foods’ were silently introduced into our systems of agriculture and food distribution, without ever being tested for safety [except by the purveyors themselves]. WTF? Then, the shock that our food ‘czar’ had previously been the vice president of Monsanto, the very corporation most responsible for the corruption. I soon learned that the 'alphabet' agencies I had previously trusted to protect me were simply revolving doors for corporate elites to overtake government agencies and secure profit--its all about the money, and the power that it wields...
The realizations soon led, inevitably, to the conclusion that a huge conspiracy must be in our midst, and seemingly, nobody was the wiser. Of course, the latter assertion is false—there was a small, but vocal, minority of folks out there who were armed with both awareness and facts. One simply had to do some research to discover the depth of the evil scheme (“…seek, and ye shall find…”). Yes, evil; what else can one conclude? A willful poisoning and corruption of our entire food supply, for profit. (Unfortunately, I eventually came to realize the total takeover of every system has already been implemented, not just our food)
Even worse was the discovery of the general plan to dominate and corrupt all of our seeds, as well, in addition to the genetic pollution of nearly all domestic crops. If the reader is incredulous about the former assertions (above), it may be best to stop reading this now, and take it up again after verifying the veracity of same [see also the Kissinger memorandum re: food supply, circa 1974, and Holdren’s (science czar in ‘bama regime) book suggestions re: chems/sterilants to be added to food/water, etc.]. Else, one may begin to doubt the source—not my goal. I’m attempting to aid the reader’s quest for knowledge, and the truth, not shut you down This might require BABY steps for some...
Without expounding further upon the whole GMO situation, suffice it to say that its impact was deep, and believe me, painful. I basically had to alter my whole world-view; my whole belief in the USA, truth, justice, government, and, basically, Mankind. Furthermore, opening my eyes, and my mind, to these newfound truths was like opening a door leading from a cellar, into full view of a sunny landscape—it was blinding, but also beautiful. What followed, however, were more painful bouts with my own belief systems, as my knowledge on various related topics expanded. It’s not for the faint-of-heart. If you are in the ranks of the awakened, take some comfort in the fact that you are, in some ways, one of the 'chosen', but also realize that with knowledge comes responsibility. This is not a treasure to be secreted away in a vault, or to be sold; it must be given freely.
If the reader is already awake, I’ll wager you shared some of these same challenges. If not, or to the unawakened, then I imagine there’s quite bit of glazing-eye syndrome occurring. Do your own research, and don’t just believe me, or any one source; you will find more than you want to know, in time. But do look, and do question—your thirst for the truth will not be in vain. Try to maintain an open mind about the challenges to your current belief system[s]. It isn't easy. If you do not seek, and are not willing to honestly evaluate that which you find, then you are simply one of the many zombie ‘sheeple’, to be led to the slaughter, willingly. If that is the case, I don’t even pity you. It's your own fault, and your loss when 'they' confiscate your wealth, your property (your food, etc., too) or your business, if you end up in a resettlement and re-education camp [see leaked official military training documents for domestic camps], or worse. It will soon come to this.
The various potential 'doomsday' scenarios of the near future are indeed ominous, and not as far-fetched as one might imagine. Preparation is the key, after a diligent search for the truth about the world around you. The truly scary part about the journey is that the ‘rabbit hole’ seems to be infinitely deep—more and more truths are discovered, the deeper one peers in. The breadth and scope of the deception and lies is truly shocking--unbelievable and unacceptable at first, for sure. The levels of evil and corruption is simply unfathomable, to the initiate. I am still having trouble absorbing it, and likely, there is so much more to learn. The total corruption of everything you thought you knew about, or believed in. It just gets deeper and deeper, the more you look. A word of warning, however: Once you take the ‘red’ pill, you can never go back into the matrix. Your process of discovery and resistance now makes you a part of ‘The Resistance’. Welcome, brother or sister, and may peace and love and power be with you in your journey…