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Saturday, February 11, 2012

The 'Jimmie Cut', and Other Sleight-of-Hand BS...

Yup. The 'Jimmie Cut'. Worst card-cutting crapola ever. Back when we were teens, we used to get together a few times a week to play poker (OK--we were pretty bored, mostly, and mostly broke, so...). There was this shifty character who usually joined us--a younger neighborhood brat--'Jimmie'. This kid was a terrible cheat, though not for lack of trying. Although the sneaky devil probably spoofed us a few times, we soon learned to be always watching his hands when he dealt, because he would be shuffling and manipulating the deck, then pull what we later dubbed the 'Jimmie Cut'; it kind of looked like a 'cut', but it wasn't--just slapping the cards in such a way as to resemble a cut, but retaining his ordered (rigged) deal. Suffice to say that we all were cheating as much as possible, such that periodically there would be an under-the-table check, and usually there would be some cards flopping down to the floor, from who knows where[?]. Anyways, it was all in good fun, and we all knew and accepted the unwritten/unspoken ground rules; cheat if you can, as best you can, if you can get away with it. But the penalties could be severe if caught. This could be related to the US Tax code, I assume, for some suckers--Uh!...I mean...folks.

Now, Jimmie was what one might call a 'feeder'; without feeder funds, there likely wouldn't even be a game, because nearly everyone was really broke, and/or had extreme funding limitations. For the most part, our games were 'just-for-fun'--penny ante BS--and the pot shifted between the players in a fairly cyclical fashion. But Jimmie seemed to pretty consistently lose, and over time, came to be in debt to other players. Hell, at one time, I remember he owed me like 6 months of his daily 'lunch money' allowance. I don't remember what he owed others. However, at some point, one had to 'just say no'--"Sorry, Jimmie, you can't play anymore, till we get some of that cash back that you owe, or something of value--whatever". Often, we'd give him a break, or let him slide a bit. After all, this kid had been financing my cigarette habit (and my brother's ?) for months, and even allowing me to save up some cash, in doing so. Yet, here he was, always trying to 'bum' a interminable leech. Needless to say, we started seeing less and less of him, till he simply faded out of the 'game'. I gotta say, we all missed the kid, and especially his money, when he actually had any, and I was probably smoking less, as a result.

Well, the other day, I got to thinking about both Jimmie, and the Jimmie Cut, and it kind of reminded me of another shady character--aka 'Uncle' Sam. This nefarious dealer has also been pulling the Jimmie Cut, after rigging the deck, for years. Now, I can't say for certain, specifically, who has been the benefactor of all these riggings, but it's pretty safe to say it ain't 'Joe Six-pack' (JSP) or John/Jane Q. Public (JQP). Sure, he tosses them (us) a few bones, and give-aways, but these are chump change--penny ante BS--meant to keep support for the brokers of the real thievery (yes, Virginia, there really is a Congress). Meanwhile, huge chunks of the GDP continually go out to the same players--the Powers That Be, or TPTB, year after year, and these are actually funded by the future income of JQP. Kind of like we, and all our children and grandchildren, and probably on down to great-great-grandchildren, are actually INDENTURED SERVANTS, at best. And, technically, we are not even playing. By proxy, each of us is allowing the Congress, and via their conveyances to TPTB, to usurp our freedoms, and mortgage our future into a virtual slavery. This is one of the main reasons that people came to the New World--to escape.

Yeah, yeah, religious freedom blah-blah-blah crapola we read in the history books--my ASS. The truth is that people in Europe had been getting shafted into classist serfdom for so many generations--Jimmie Cutted--that the only place open for real opportunities [for JQP] was America. And many of our Founding Fathers and New World colonists were indeed indentured servants; the tradesmen and workers needed to get the infrastructure going in this new land. One thing for sure; there was no opportunity in the 'Old World' for JQP.

Back then, mayhap indentured servitude wasn't so bad. After all, one worked for, and was 'kept' by  a rich landowner or businessman, and ostensibly, one learned a trade or important skill set with which one eventually gained financial freedom and personal independence. Thenceforth, the fruits of one's labors were one's own property and responsibility. The problem with the new indentured servitude is that it never ends--we never earn the freedom to reap our own rewards, and neither do our offspring [and so on]! Just like a slave's offspring was the property of the slaveowner. Show me how that differs from the current life-mortgaging debt system in practice today here in the USA. The real problem is that we will never be free of the debt, and neither will our progeny. TPTB/debt-holders will always have a captive population to whom to sell their wares, and the bare staples of living--and will be happy to finance by credit card whatever we cannot purchase outright for cash; holding us even further into debt...  Big Agra/Pharma/banksters are the new 'company store'?

And that's not all. Just like Jimmie, the Gub'ment has been borrowing incessantly for years, and not just from us--also from shrewd players like China. How long will Jimmie (aka Uncle sam, aka indentured servant JQP) be able to 'float' loans and stay in the game? We're not talking a little bit O' lunch money here--we talking serious beer! One may ask "What happens when it's put-up-something-of-value-or-get-out?".  China wants to 'smoke more', and will soon be demanding more substantial payments, but Sammie and JQP are broke--what more can we give? Will the USA be asked to leave the table--to stop playing altogether? Will we be sold down the river to China and TPTB that already hold our 'notes'? Will they end up owning the USA, or will we simply be indentured to them, or both? Where will it all end? Nobody can say for sure. I get the feeling it's 'serfdom or bust'--and there ain't any"New World" left to get us out of this slavery, this tyme.

The worst part is that we keep playing with Jimmie, even knowing that we are being duped, and robbed, and yes, indentured at minimum. Keep electing people who spend more than we can give in, forever borrowing, and we all get kicked out of the game-SOON. When the EU goes broke [soon], and those houses of cards fall, won't they be asked to sit out? Won't our joint debt drag us down with them, until the prophesied collapse of $USD as the reserve currency occurs? Won't we still be in debt then? Yes, and our "money" won't be worth doodly-squat. Ah, but all that slave labor we owe, maybe...? I think it wise to start learning to speak Chinese, or bone-up on chopstick techniques...

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