
A collection of satirical, political, spiritual and humorous writings and ramblings on various topics, including current affairs and issues, the Great Awakening, health, toxins, prepping, bachelor life, and more. Look for commentary and stories meant for understanding, and even a good chuckle, as well as some useful tips and insights. Hermit tested and approved√

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Prepping to Fail (Part 1)

The tyme has come to start preparations for the upcoming (major) fail. I'm talking serious beer here; the doom and gloom and the feces-fan convergence. Whereas some might conclude that there is the [slight] chance that a total failure in world and US economies can be averted, or even stalled, I resign to inevitable defeat, preemptively and unilaterally. we FAIL. Let's just admit it and get prepped for the inevitable (get real, mon).

So, (A) what does one need to get prepped for, and (B) how does one go about said preparations?

(A) The feces-fan convergence (FFC, or shit-hits-the-fan [SHTF]): entails a global economic failure and likely, a world-wide depression, along with severe hyperinflation in traditional fiat currencies. This means, simply, 'money' aint gonna be worth doodly-squat. Given that everyone of modest or minimal means (90% of the pop+) will rapidly run out of funds to buy necessities, there will be civil unrest, rioting, and probably looting in nearly all population centers. I'm not talking about a mass of idiots camping in parks with no real agenda, or some nebulous socialist crap--I'm talking about people who are actually hungry and can no longer afford to meet the most minimal of needs (eg., food)--Riots that make those in Greece and London look like a slumber party pillow fight between sorority girls. It won't be pretty.

Considering many folks out there are living hand-to-mouth already, the urban poor are likely the first to begin the spree, looting, trashing and burning their own neighborhoods first. But it will spread. Thus, it will likely be low-class area shops and supermarkets that get cleaned out first, leaving one with limited options to provide for oneself and one's family (hence, spreading). Hoarding of essentials will quickly clean out current stocks of bare necessities, in other areas. Martial law will become prevalent. However, soon enough there will be no more food available, and no shops open. Meanwhile, prices will ceiling for whatever is available, making things unattainable even for those of modest or greater means. Government foodstuffs passed out by troops, and soup lines, may soon become the only real sources of food. Access to such services and supplies will be restricted.

Given 'money' worth squat, and urban riots cleaning out stocks, the search for food and supplies will progress to groups of looters beginning house-to-house searches for their needs. Public servants will already be exhausted, and the public will be left to fend for themselves, for the most part (martial law, curfews, and National Guard troops notwithstanding). Medicines and healthcare provisions will start to run out, or become unavailable. Gub'ment will take over essential services and communication, likely with cell phone and internet disruptions for the general public. However, at first, I do not see losing utilities such as electricity and natural gas, and probably landline telephone, as a consequence. These may persist for quite some time.

The foregoing will occur very quickly. This means that one must have a plan and preparations ongoing, to satisfy the most basic of needs: food. Given that most households probably have a week or more of edibles on hand, food riots and looting will probably be unlikely for a couple weeks, but hoarding will begin immediately following whatever crisis begets the scenario described. Either way, if one hasn't prepped by stocking up a generous supply of foodstuffs and especially non-perishables, one is going to be 'up-the-creek'. Also, given that 'money' will not be used, one thing that is sure to have value is food, and it might surprise you what people will exchange for it, if they have failed to prepare. Hence, before any other mode of barter or exchange is adopted, anywhere, food will be the most valued commodity, at least in population centers, and in 'developed' countries where we are all dependent upon our "fat" way of life (consumers in non-agricultural, urban environs).

This may differ considerably in undeveloped or developing economies, and/or rural areas, who may escape, avoid, or delay some of the worst of these consequences. Yes, the last will be first, and vice-versa, go figure (only prophesied for a couple millennia+).

(B) Stock up on the necessities; being prepared for the fail:

1) Food <to be continued...see Parts 2-3>

Personal recommendation: Three (3) months supply of staples, per person, minimum.
a) canned goods
b) Mylar-packed goods
c) boxed goods and other non-perishables, or extended shelf-life items
d) frozen foods

2) Essential supplies <to be continued--see Parts 4-5>
a) Water
b) medicines
c) First-aid
d) Cleaning supplies

3) Shelter & Security <to be continued--see Parts 6-7>
a) Housing-Urban vs Rural-fencing-strength in numbers
b) defense [gun]
c) dog[s]

4) Power and utility alternatives (post-utilities) <to be continued...>
a) solar lights+
b) hot water?
c) Heating/cooking

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