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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

'Pre-Trib' Nuke: The Dangers of a False Doctrine

[Note: this is a basic transcript from my YouTube Video at the address/link:
My YT Post

(NOTE: One may ramp up the speed of playback setting to 1.25x using the 'cog' in lower-right, without distortion, making it 'shorter' in terms of time elapsing to watch...)

The Falling Away and the Pre-tribulation Rapture (Doctrine) Effects

Thusfar, my videos have exposited upon the etiology, or the setting, or prerequisites which set up our belief systems for further deceptions, and, as an initial ‘falling away’ of God’s people. From the establishment of the Protestant movement to the founding of the USA as a two-horned lamb, based upon the principles of religious and civil freedoms dominated by neither crowns of a Pope (state-mandated religion and laws) nor by an authoritarian, or unelected, king (rule by authoritarian fiat). Although the emphasis is and was related to America, the same principles may be [loosely] applied to much of the rest of the ‘civilized’, Western world. However, with the exception of the USA, most, if not all of the world has, or still is, influenced by subjugation, monarchical rule, or outright dictatorship—making America unique among nations, at least, up until the present. The ‘second Beast’ who will promote the first Beast, and set up his image, and enforce the worship of the first beast and its image will be a two-horned lamb (no crowns) who begins to speak as a dragon; this is fairly predictive of the evolution of our country and its governing bodies, across the recent past. What started as a God-fearing, morality-driven, protestant country [and government] has grown over time to be a God-hating, immoral, and now even persecuting, atheistic abomination. Furthermore, all the God-given rights and liberties we valued and supported in the past have been stripped away. Right now, they claim them all as privileges given permission. This is the real evolution we should be watching now.

The advent and rise of science, and scientific thought and methods, and the various ungodly beliefs which are promulgated through it, have led to a rationalization by Man which removes both God, and faith, from consideration. For example, see my videos on falling away, and/or relating the so-called science of evolution. In this, Satan has been highly effective in his deceptions, snaring and entrapping the majority of people into his anti-God propaganda campaign. The erosion of the family, and sociocultural moralities and mores, also via propaganda and conditioning methods, of his minions and cohort of NGO organizations, think tanks, via constant media (which ‘they’ own & control) dissemination, has also lead to the decimation of morality, as well. Taking God out of the public mind has led to such abominations as the feminist movement, the advent of the welfare state and enslavements, and the murder of the unborn, through state-supported abortion. 

The former movements, like UN Agenda 21, excel at trapping women and minorities into their belief systems and make them depend upon same—replacing God, and men, and family [ see my videos and links].  The promotion and acceptance, especially by the state, for birth control and abortions nets a  result that we now reside in a country, or a population of trained and controlled atheists, satanists, new-agers, and puke-warm ‘Christians’ who sacrifice their own children to Satan. Over 53 million condemnations have resulted from that permissive and immoral law alone. Think about it. Will God accept the murders into his kingdom? Certainly not the unrepentant, nor those who feel it a ‘right’ of theirs, and, technically, that they had not done ‘wrong’ or had sinned. This obvious condemnation, or even stating it as such is now thought to be like ‘hate speech’—it is soon to be outlawed, as street preaching is now being condemned. Wait until the ecumenicalist ‘unity’ , or one-world religion starts in on the evangelicals and the Christians—God’s true Church—we will be labeled as haters and they will persecute us, vehemently.

God’s church has already experienced a falling away, in my opinion, as I have suggested in other videos (see links/my YouTube page). However, what I have exposited upon in past may in fact not be the GREAT falling away; it may be merely a preamble, or the setting stages of an even greater and more visible apostasy.

This is what I will be delving into more thoroughly, in the present video. Specifically, the effects of the doctrine of devils and of the false prophets, the televangelists, who continue to deceive and lead astray the peoples of the Church. (*The* Church, not any denomination, etc). In particular, I am concerned with the false doctrine of the so-called ‘pre-trib’ rapture (PTR). 

The PTR is especially harmful, or potentially so, not only because it is a deception, but also because it may lead to an even GREATer falling away, after the tribulation[s] begins. The destructive effect is at least four-fold: 
1) Those adhering to the belief will have the prideful expectation that they are ‘chosen’, or perhaps elite or special, and therefore, will come to no harm; they do not fear the Day of the Lord, because they are self-assured. Some may believe that they are ‘the first’—the ‘chosen’, but they may, in truth, be ‘the last’. This prideful righteousness is sinful, and foolish, and will likely condemn many. There seem to be many different denominations who claim to be the only ones, or the ‘last remnant’. “…two men say they’re Jesus—one of them must be wrong”. This elitism and prideful self-delusionment will capture many proponents into cultish denominations or faddish movements, and those will likely be temples of deception and destruction. Be warned and beware such elitism or claims of being the only chosen peoples…This will result in fewer receiving or regaining salvation, and/or a greater falling away.

2) Those adhering to the belief will be unprepared for the upcoming trials and persecutions. Being unprepared means that they will ignore the calls of the Awakened, or the present Awakening (which I exhort), many of whom have been led by the spirit to both repent, and to prepare. This will hasten their own demise. Specifically, there has been a growing awareness of, and preparation for, an end-time collapse of social, political, and/or financial stability in the world. This of course is envisioned to be followed by the institution of the one-world governmental system, including the one-world religious and financial systems. Those who feel it ‘in their gut’, or by the spirit, have begun to prepare for the nebulous event[s] by storing food, water, medicine, weapons, and even gold or silver (etc.), with which to survive or extend their capacity to resist the upcoming crises. It is my opinion that their urges or foreknowledge, or fears may be the result of a discernment or communications of God’s warnings, and may become the basis for a source of respite and comfort for those who do prepare. It may also contribute to a greater number of converts during the tribulations, for those who come in contact with these ‘preppers’, who can and will share aid and comfort with them. As a Christian, we are indeed mandated to feed the hungry, and clothe the naked (etc.). This is a mandated function which often goes unfulfilled in our current ‘churches’. It will take on a great importance in the trying times to come. I urge all of you to become acquainted with this ‘prepping’ idea, and begin stockpiling—obedient church organizations, too. More on this later, hopefully.

3) Believing themselves shielded from tribulations, they have become, and will become, even more disconnected from the events leading up to the tribulations—these include participation in the election (and appointments therefrom) of the same officials which will initiate and carry out those persecutions. They will likely care far less that the world is ‘going to Hell in a hand-basket’, if they perceive no real threat or harm will come to them; they will escape all harm. The disturbing rise of paramilitary police and ‘security’ forces in the USA, and the huge surveillance-state system does not seem to upset them; little do they realize that that force will soon be turned upon them, not upon the non-existent ‘terrorists’ as they have been duped into believing, and by reasoning have given up their liberties for ‘security’. They don’t seem to understand that being a ‘good’ or upstanding citizen is EXACTLY the criterion for persecutions. Woe be it to them; they are in for a real shock. Those who are awake and aware in these end times may be able to delay the onset, or decrease the severity, or mayhap even prevent [at least some of] the tyranny altogether, if they are actively seeking to replace potential tyrants with good, God-fearing leaders. One may come to understand that there is a ‘safe zone’ or region of the USA which will preserve and protect God’s people during those terrible times; this is suggested by several passages (dunno— that I recall, though none specifically come to mind)

4) Many will be upset, and even angry, that they are being pursued, persecuted, and that they are being killed. The persecutions will likely evolve in severity over time, but will eventually end up as executions, presumably on a large scale, by beheading. This is specifically mentioned as a method used in the Bible. (cite…). They may even curse God for their persecutions, and many will lose what little faith they have/had, creating an even GREATER falling away. Understand that the whole world was deceived with the false prophets’ doctrines of devils. The number of these defections from faith will no doubt swell the numbers of those who will then join up with the other deceived, in worshipping the antichrist. Miracles and signs and wonders will ensnare many ignorant, or  lukewarm ‘Christians’ who do not have a grasp of the prophecies, or any in-depth knowledge of the Gospel, and the specifics of the revelations; those who were comfortable with their Sunday ‘weekend-warrior Christianity’, and those who ‘worship’ merely out of tradition, or sociocultural expectancies, or who attend for purposes of  social networking. 

It is hard to believe that anyone with even a basic understanding of the prophecies would succumb to accepting the usurper (antichrist) in place of Christ. It is clearly stated that all will see his coming in the clouds, as he comes as a Lion, and that the believers will be swept up from the four corners to join him while the wrath and punishments get started for the unworthy (the trumpets). I’m pretty sure that will not be the entrance of the antichrist, because he will be revealed, and claim himself as God, in the temple (abomination of desolation). Unfortunately, there will be multitudes of ignorant and deceived, who will be fooled. Undoubtedly, the antichrist will already have a great popularity and following, as a political figure. There has been a disturbing trend of blind following the current President, and cult-like chantings and attributions/depictions showing him crowned or his head sporting a halo. I’m not ready to declare him as a prime possibility just yet though; I will wait on more conclusive evidence. There are, though, millions who must be preparing his way with such attributions. It may in fact be true. [dunno]. 

At any rate, expect that there will be betrayals of the true Christians by this population of unworthy souls, and much love will be lost (cite-pic). This will result in further persecutions of the true Church. Apparently, such people do not understand, or are totally ignorant of world history, and the history of the Church. Throughout history, since before the time of Yeshua, or Jesus, the Christ, both Israelites and Christians have been persecuted, hunted, and executed simply for their beliefs, or for not bowing down to the dictates of false religions or theocratic dogmatics and their idols. Recall the Roman games, and the ‘feeding’ of Christians to the lions, or their being hacked to death by gladiators. Understand the fate of the Apostles themselves; nearly all were jailed, murdered, or even beheaded. Recall the persecution of true believers, and those espousing the Bible, and the counter-reformation of the RCC (Roman Catholic Church)—masses, even multiple millions were persecuted, tortured, and even burned at the stake by that so-called ‘Christian’ church/state. Even to this day, and especially in this day, many somehow fail to realize that Christians are dying right NOW—being bombed, maimed, crucified, and even beheaded, all throughout the Middle -East and Africa (in predominantly ‘Muslim’ nations now radicalized by ‘jihadists’). Specific mention of the many persecutions and of the saints and martyrs of God is referenced throughout Biblical texts. Did these saints and martyrs escape persecution—NO. Will you?—NO.

Do any of the readers or viewers feel that they have special protections, or immunity, that God’s own saints and martyrs didn’t possess? If so, what is the basis for such an idea? It must be misconstrued from some passages, which may have been presented out-of-context, or were ‘cherry-picked’ to falsify a deception. On the contrary, there are many specific passages that show that the end-time peoples will experience the tribulation[s]: This I will leave to a more thorough and detailed debunking of the noxious and deceptive teaching of the ‘pre-trib’ doctrine. I hope to be able to show, clearly, and as cogently and precise as can be shown, that the doctrine is false. I have already, now, explicated the dangers and downfalls inherent to this poison of the mind and soul. Do not be deceived. and, as always, LOOK it UP, and test all things…PLP, and may God bless the viewer. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. BTW, a comment from larry stephen onYT states another somewhat obvious downfall, which I'm not sure was included in the video: "Now, these pre trib rapture believers believe that the mark of the beast comes after the rapture. Therefore, they will not recognize anything as being the mark of the beast as long as the rapture has not happened. They may even take the mark of the beast because, if they dont, then that would be admitting they are wrong, and they will not do that. So, they could wind up taking the mark of the beast out of pride and arrogance because they will not under any circumstance admit they are wrong."

    The main point is perhaps not that they are arrogant and prideful, as we all tend to disregard anything that doesn't buttress our beliefs, but that many people may in fact take the mark unwittingly, thinking (wrongly) that it is not the mark because their belief was that they would be raptured BEFORE the tribulations. This is indeed a display of not understanding the basics of the prophecies--there will be a falling away AND the antichrist (man of perdition) will claim himself to BE God, in the Temple, before the rapture/day of the Lord...It certainly pays to know and understand the truths laid out in prophecy. ;)
