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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Sheeple, Herded by Wolves in Black Paramilitary Garb, and Suffering Effects of the Insanity Virus: Symptoms and Causes

There is a group of people who reside here in the USA who are suffering, needlessly, from the effects of the highly contagious Insanity Virus. This virus infects the hearts and minds of the populace via an aggressive propaganda campaign waged against our wills, across the span of more than a generation. It involves a brain-washing mixture of political correctness, pseudo-conservationism, sociocultural breakdown, and false intentions backed by seemingly proper and good reasoning. That is, 'they' use attitudes and principles with which almost nobody disagrees, or which we have been brainwashed to believe without question, in order to promulgate their agendas, with deceptive cover. For example, The Bundy saga.

Here we have a basis of pseudo-conservationism and the so-called 'green' revolution (and/or climate conspiracists) used as the reason for usurping both states' and the peoples' rights. They use a common method to destroy industry across the nation, this past generation: first, some obscure, so-called "endangered" species of owl, or  fish, or tortoise or whatever, is identified. Next, in order to 'protect' said organism, they first limit, then mandate removal or discontinuance of whatever industry or activity they wish to quash. Then, coincidentally, there is some usurping group or company that somehow gets a free reign over the land use, and the profits roll in. Again, coincidentally, the people who seem to actually benefit are related to, or associated with, the politicians and/or corporate interests of their contributors. Hmmm... can you say "corruption"? How many instances do you recall? Several, myself. Seems I remember the shutdown of the logging industry in the Northwest some years ago, because of an owl. Hmmm... Then theres the farming of fertile California fields and watershed limited because of a (goby?) little minnow. Hmmm...should we grow food or let a few minnows live that serve absolutely no purpose? Hmmm...

RE: the Bundy saga, The purpose for driving off long-established , rightful ranchers from so-called 'federal' land is two-fold: 1) eliminate beef production capacity and land use, effectively denying private property and production, and 2) establishing 'green' solar electricity capacity, which will be mandated for production and sales, replacing more efficient and more reliable alternatives that are currently used. The whole 'tortoise' thing is simply a smokescreen and a means to implement and control the scam. As the regime mandates closure of extant electrical generation, and makes their use unprofitable via regulations and intolerable taxation, we the people get screwed by the huge rise in rates that will be necessary after the 'green' energy turns out to be too expensive and even unreliable, in the long-run. Who profits? Hmmm...seems some communist-Chinese government corporation. Hmmm...I wonder how much $$ they pumped into certain politicians' campaign funds or wallets?
We speak, of course about Sen. Harry Reid [D NV] and his co-conspirators. These guys need to be gagged and gulagged.

Related Example: 'bama closing down our clean coal electricity, which currently makes up 50-60% of our USA total production and consumption. Some are/were new, and were clean, non-polluting plants. What do you suppose happens when our aging and ailing infrastructure loses 1/2 its capacity? Riight--rates will "necessarily skyrocket", according to ze Great Leader. If you are unaware of the scale of this conspiracy to rob and rape us Americans, you better get informed, sheeple. And the reasoning behind these aggressive campaigns is always supported by some near-universally accepted, or highly promoted concept like 'green', conservation, or even outright lies like 'global warming'. Who could be against such things? We are brainwashed to think that we all think the way we are being programmed to think by the propagandists; truth is we are actually smarter and less gullible than 'they' think we are. The Bundy saga proves this.

There is an old saying about defining insanity &/or stupidity; doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results. But here we go  again--Reid gets a propaganda campaign rolling in so-called news shows, in which he labels Bundy and his supporters as 'violent, domestic terrorists'. Ridiculous. From reports I have seen and read, the paramilitary jack-booted thugs brought in by BLM were the aggressors, and assaulted men, tazered people, pushed women, and elderly victims, while attempting to set up 'free speech' areas. He [Reid] gets on and spins a big LIE, expecting we will actually BELIEVE him? Hmmm..he sends BLM armed paramilitary goons aiming automatic rifles at civilian Americans during peaceful protests?--in order to usurp property based upon an insane tortoise-saving campaign (of which many actually were euthanized by the 'savior' agency setup) ? Sound familiar? Americans are not 'terrorists'. People who are supporting liberties and rights are not 'terrorists'. Conservatives, Libertarians, Independents, Christians, vets, etc are not 'terrorists'. The truth of the matter is that the TERRORISTS HAVE TAKEN OVER OUR GOVERNMENT...TIME TO TOSS 'EM ALL OUT!

 This Insanity going on today illustrates the excessive use of paramilitary by all the 'alphabet' agencies. Surely, people, this is a major crossing of the line. Waco, Ruby Ridge, and The Boston Marathon martial-law exercises were the modern precursors to the current symptoms of tyranny. The cause resides in Congress and corporate boards of companies which profit from the militarization of America. Time to vaccinate, and inoculate and eliminate these nasty purveyors of the toxic gubment virus...

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