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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

SHTF Gold & Silver, Wealth, Or Assets: You Can Run, But You [Probably] Cannot Hide…

NOTE: This is a repost from Infowars:  (which was a re-post of my orig comment located at: )… I am trying to get this info out any/every way possible…

___________COMMENTER'S RESPONSE____________

playboy_@ warmgeoff
I believe that if martial law was declared a majority of the police, military, or anyone else enforcing it would revolt and a civil war would start. Most if not all are not on best terms with the current government and may not follow orders. If the worst does happen i think it would be best to skip town with as much gold and silver as can be had and wait for things to blow over. In the past confiscations of gold and silver a majority made it out without getting taken. No reason to think we couldn't slip some out again.

******************MY Counter-RESPONSE******************

@Playboy: That would seem a logical belief, based upon historical precedents. However, there are several assumptions that may be partially or wholly incorrect, as a basis for your conclusion:

1)[a] The military, police, and 'security' forces have been trained to acknowledge and target such 'terror' groups as Christians, gun owners, constitutionalists, libertarians, anyone who is anti-FED or anti-taxation, anti-NWO, and even anti-big government (etc) (see official training guides such as the MIAC Report and news from last few years [2008-2013; see:
and much more-'google' it...]) The list of so-called-extremists includes people who 'hoard' gold and silver, or who espouse the idea that people need 'real' money, not fiat fed reserve notes.

[b] The military, police, and 'security' forces have been trained and psychologically habituated to target 'everyday' citizens, including the young, the elderly, and even women (including pregnant women); those not usually associated with combat ('google' article[s] regarding "no hesitation" targets, such as )

c] There has been a 'purge' of late (I'd say ~2009-present), within the military (many top generals down to non-com officers+) and security forces, nationwide. Those who did not pass muster in a litmus test re: killing and/or confiscating weapons/assets from citizens were either reassigned to crap duty/areas, or were fired, or asked to resign, simply demotivated or made to be disinclined to remain or reenlist. Look it up. This is not well publicized, but it has indeed occurred. In addition, there has been a concerted effort to recruit 'less-than-acceptable' personnel into leadership positions (those who will be in charge of the martial law enforcement). These such leaders will have certain personalities and character flaws which make them excellent enforcers of the inevitable, upcoming tyranny. We already know how Nazi/communist/'rebel' and/or tribal/religious leaders were and are able to carry out seemingly insane and horrendous acts in recent and not-so-far distant times. (eg., "I was simply following orders…"?). Recall that thousands, if not millions, were/are being killed or maimed by beheading, machete attacks, etc. right NOW, and in recent past in the middle east and Africa.

The military has already lowered their standards drastically, and one may not realize that they are able to enlist felons, those that have not even completed a marginal HS graduation level of education, and of course, non-citizens. They are proposing to include 'illegal' aliens (undocumented children of undocumented foreigner parents) under the DREAM program. Yes, it's true, I was surprised to learn this in the course of recent researches. Other domestic security forces and agencies have likely been purged of the good people, and refilled with less-than-optimal types, as well. It is well-documented that the police force[s] do not want anybody with 100 or better [this is the mean, or average] IQ score; those with higher intelligence ask too many questions, or will resist unconstitutional orders. (See also RE: TSA actively recruiting 'imperious' personnel

The result of the foregoing is that those who would likely question or refuse orders that are clearly unconstitutional, or even immoral, have been eliminated from the ranks, or are likely on their way out of the security forces that will engage citizens in a martial law scenario. A key factor in losing life, limb, liberty, and property, would you not agree?

2) The PRISM and other data gathering systems have been spying on all of us for many years; their data and algorithm analyses are meant to identify target individuals & groups from the population, and it is nearly certain that any gold or silver purchases made within the past decade or so could be filtered and identified, thus identifying those who own (and might transport) precious metals. This is the kind of stuff they are REALLY looking for--it's not really 'terrorists' they are looking for, based upon the criteria groups listed [see above]. Once identified as being a member of any said groups or categories, or as a 'hoarder', for example, [see above], you will be detained, and searched, and anything you have would be confiscated [probably would end up FEMA-camped].

3) Being a person of interest from the (nearly all-encompassing) lists, and the fact that 'they' can locate and track nearly anyone, anywhere, it is unlikely that one would be able to "skip town" or to hide, in this day and age. One would have to be immersed with the knowledge and capabilities that truly exist today, and in the security countermeasures and extremes one would have to go to, in order to evade security measures in place to prevent detection and detainment. This doesn't include the average American.

4) Under martial law, any entrance or egress into or from any area, or city, would be limited, via checkpoints or other barriers. Thus, it is unlikely one would be able to move assets from one place to another. Realistically, this could be done beforehand, and one's assets might be concealed and secured with some [high] level of preparations. Again, however, one must be TOTALLY sure that there are no extant records or traceable accounts of ANY such assets which might lead to their discovery. This means that one must have paid cash to a trusted individual who did not, would not, or will not report it to anyone, or that could not be traced via ANY electronic or paper trail, in any manner. Again, this leads us to the capabilities of the massive data-gathering 'security' agencies, and their multi-billion $$ processing centers, set up to cross-reference seemingly or overtly unrelated data points re: transactions, via powerful algorithms. As alluded to (above), this is one of the real, or main, purposes of their spy grid, not tracking 'terrorists'*

*'They' know who and where the so-called 'terrorists' are, because they fund and support them (now even openly admitted; see re: Al Quieda, Muslim Brotherhood, and Taliban--contracts openly with US gov., and news re: arming and financial support of said groups (see/'google' also re: Operation Gladio &/or Gladio B, etc.)

In the past, there were extremely limited means for the gov. to know and track your assets, and especially precious metals like gold and silver. This is not true of our current situation. In fact, there are indeed reporting requirements re: sales of same. (see for a fairly concise article delineating the current reporting rules). Currently, not ALL sales, and smaller transactions, are generally exempted. However, despite claims that not all sales are reportable, there remain reporting requirements for profits, regardless of the source or what is bought/sold (IRS). One must realize that all transactions likely involve profit, so, in effect, SOMEONE is/has/will report any profit, either buying or selling. This COULD be a data point of interest to TPTB (the powers that be), and one which might converge with other data points, upon any particular person or corporate entity. For example, Bob's Coin Shop reports a profit selling $500.00 worth of silver to 'Joe Blow'; This data point links the two, and Joe's records could then be searched to show a withdrawal of $500 from his bank, or via credit card transaction, and so on, (etc). Consider that multiple sources can now be collated and converged to paint an extended picture of any such transaction; phone records and conversations, emails, bank and credit transactions, and so on…

This is the TRUE danger and one of the true reasons behind the massive data gathering that has been undergone, and is ongoing, by our gubment agencies. They can, and they will, use it for purposes that are unstated (and they always say everything is for our safety and security--aren't they sweet?), such as identifying the 'extremist Christians, Libertarians, pro-lifers, anti-big governmenters, and even 'real money' advocates who would likely have some [real money]. They ('banksters' & globalist 'elites') mean to destroy the middle class and confiscate all wealth and resources not currently pilfered.

The confiscatory nature of TPTB are quite evident to anyone, given one peruse and recognize the trends in laws and edicts spewed forth from our current dictator and his congressional minions. Note that 'they' already passed transaction reporting requirements as low as $600.00 (especially aimed at gold/silver/bullion sales) in their proposed 1099 addendum to the Healthcare Act [yeah, and health care has WHAT to do with this?]. This was discovered and repealed, fortunately. However, one must recognize by this attempt that it is their INTENT to quash free trade of real money and assets, or at least for such to be made reportable. Furthermore, the emergency powers enacted via the patriot act, NDAA, and presidential edicts (executive orders) in recent years is irrefutable proof that they can and will take over all resources, business, industry, transportation, food, water, etc., during any instance that they want to declare is an 'emergency'.

You describe a situation in which martial law is declared. Given the above, do you still believe that you can simply skip town and hide out for a while with your assets? If the gubment doesn't get you/it, will the hoards or starving masses, or rogue groups of looters miss you too? Will you be able to 'beat' the security grid that has already been established, or the checkpoints, electronic and satellite tracking, and/or drone surveillance? The telephone, email, and 'smart' grid system monitoring you inside your own home--the x-boxes, cable boxes, smart tvs/cameras/appliances or on your own computer? Man, I wish you luck in that. 

In conclusion, your beliefs are not based upon the new reality of the surveillance state we have let become established, and the sick bustards that run the show, on many levels… the system is rigged against us, in so many ways that are not even included herein. What I can say is simply "WELCOME TO AMERIKA! WAKE UP!"

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