[updated Jun 2018]
Systems of the BEAST -and- our ENSLAVEMENT, as described in both scripture and historical ['technocrat'] writings, predictive programming, etc.
A [YT] series expositing the DEEP deceptions & those who deceive, seemingly without detection, and against all rationality...
HOW is it that these [seemingly] insane concepts and bizarre machinations, BY KNOWN 'BAD ACTORS', continue to be purveyed & maintained in this modern era?In this day of easily-accessed information, the many deceptions of the systems of the beast still remain in effect.
Apparently, these systems are hidden by sorceries & satanic influences of the 'Powers That Be', who are the rich and powerful, who do the bidding of their puppet-masters (rulers & principalities--see Ephesians 6)...
Rev 18:23
...for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries [Gr. see Strong's G5331*] were all nations deceived. (see ** below)
*Strong's G5331 - pharmakeia
KJV Translation Count — Total: 3x
The KJV translates Strongs G5331 in the following manner: sorcery (2x), witchcraft (1x).
Outline of Biblical Usage
1. the use or the administering of drugs
2. poisoning
3. sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
4. metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry
Strong’s Definitions [?] (Strong’s Definitions Legend)
† φαρμακεία pharmakeía, far-mak-i'-ah; from G5332; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):—sorcery, witchcraft.
**[MERCHANTS = wealthy owners and marketers of industry, manufactiuring, etc., who plot to enslave Mankind for their profit , power and control. They are the controllers of the CORPORATIONS who ultimately control the vast majority of the world's production, properties and resources.]
They own/run
ALL the 'Bigs':
Agra (food)
med ('healthcare')
OIL (energy)
BANKING (& finance)
Law (yup--'maritime' law of corporate commerce)...
The basis or main theme of the series is to point out these seemingly insane systems to the general public, who cannot or do not yet SEE them for what they are, or for what they are intended; the ENSLAVEMENT of all MANKIND.
I know, most will say "WHAT enslavement?", because they have no EYES TO SEE. Besides the influence of 'pharmakeia', people are blinded by powerful [ongoing] psychological operations, indoctrinating & reinforcing their (false) beliefs and TRADITIONS. There is acceptance of the current systems as somehow being 'OK', [without understanding] they confer beneficial stability or that they somehow profit the 'average' man & woman 'on the street'. They DO NOT. They are all intended to control and deceive the peoples, for profits and control, and as a way to SERVE THEIR MASTER[S] (Satan & his cohorts)...
See, the enslavement of the modern era, in the 'new' Babylon or Egypt, is maintained predominantly by subversive psychological beliefs and deceptions on a mental level, to maintain control; it is no longer about [physical] shackles and guards. It is enabled & enforced through 'science', (false) beliefs, chemical toxins, and other 'modern' sorceries. Often, such means operate upon us through physiological mechanisms, such as by 'medications', and through poisonings effected through food, water and even aerial dispersions (AKA 'geo-engineering'). Others operate through ubiquitous unnatural frequencies and devices that are deemed 'invaluable'. See my many videos on these toxic effectors...
Many toxic environmental pollutants, from many sources, both combine and synergize to produce numerous illnesses, genetic & epigenetic disorders, and mental confusions. The devious technocrats have now established near total enslavement, just as their writings have described (e.g., see Aldus Huxley's descriptions of the system and the 'willing slaves' that they would [did] create)...watch the following video for a brief example...
Chilling speech from Aldous Huxley
(As featured in EndGame)
The foregoing videos show how Huxley sees us as 'servants' ; our enslavement as 'servitude'. This is the attitude of these so-called 'elites'. Their writings, and their reliance upon scientific deceptions, claimed, deemed or accepted as 'truths' are nothing but lies, and a means to their ends, of re-creating a neo-feudal world populated mostly by a dumbed-down, fully-controlled & indoctrinated SLAVES. Of course, they will be the masters, satisfying their every desire off the blood, sweat and tears of their serfs...
[Rev 18:11-13 KJV] 11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: 12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen,...13...and slaves, and souls of men.
The scripture above proves in end-times that not only will there be *slaves*, but also that they own & trade in SOULS. These are those who have been allowed to believe in the lies, and to be blinded by the delusions, because they
don't love or SEEK Truth!
These are also those who will succumb to take the MARK OF THE BEAST, and who will not enter the Everlasting Kingdom of the Most High...
[Rev 18:11-13 KJV] 11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: 12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen,...13...and slaves, and souls of men.
The scripture above proves in end-times that not only will there be *slaves*, but also that they own & trade in SOULS. These are those who have been allowed to believe in the lies, and to be blinded by the delusions, because they
don't love or SEEK Truth!
These are also those who will succumb to take the MARK OF THE BEAST, and who will not enter the Everlasting Kingdom of the Most High...
THIS DOESN'T HAVE TO BE FULLY IMPLEMENTED, OR IT CAN BE REVERSED, THROUGH UNDERSTANDING OF THE 'BIG PICTURE'. This requires a knowledge of and servitude to the one & only Creator; the Most High (Yahuah), and an understanding of scriptures. NOT 'religion', or the indoctrinations of doctrines & traditions of Man, which they ['churchianity'] profess.
KNOW that here are a remnant of 'Awakened' that can and DO SEE through the veil of darkness which envelopes these systems; 'banking and finance', 'religion', 'law', 'education', 'M$M [media]' and many more. These systemic deceptions are revealed and discussed within the contexts of the series (in-progress) my many YT videos, and others' as well. It is required that if one is to gain a true understanding, one must first BELIEVE and the SEEK our Heavenly Father's Truth and His Way. There is no OTHER PATH. I pray that all viewers, listeners &/or readers will discover and discern that Truth. So be it...
This will be an ongoing project, so please come back and watch them here, or on my YT channel [GTox444]...
Watch, share, download and embed these and others in an appropriate venue, please ;)
Systems of the BEAST(intro-p1)
Systems of the BEAST(Pt 2) DEEP Deceptions
Systems of the BEAST(Pt 3) DEEP Deceptors
Systems of the BEAST(Pt 4) Bound by Banksters
Systems of the Beast (Pt 5a) Mass Media Machinations
Systems of the Beast (Pt 5b) *More* Mass Media Machinations
Systems of the Beast (Pt 5c) SEEK Truth or be SUPPRESSED
One of the main concerns for current 'truthers' is the overt & covert methods being used to both supress and stifle the ability of 'alternative' sources (those NOT controlled by TPTB) to disseminate information & concepts. Scripture states that a lack of knowledge is the destroyer of Yahuah's people. [Hos 4:6 KJV] 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.]
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