
A collection of satirical, political, spiritual and humorous writings and ramblings on various topics, including current affairs and issues, the Great Awakening, health, toxins, prepping, bachelor life, and more. Look for commentary and stories meant for understanding, and even a good chuckle, as well as some useful tips and insights. Hermit tested and approved√

Please check or re-check the 'Seminal' video series OFTEN for updated content &/or videos...GT

Saturday, December 1, 2018

InfoWars (AJ) News & Commentary

Thursday, November 29, 2018

David Knight's Real News Live:

Infowars  (The War Room) 'live' feed?

Sunday, September 2, 2018


WITHOUT A DOUBT, there is and has been a great epidemic of graft and corruption which has infected the very fabric of American society & culture. It seems to be the norm, instead of the exception, in terms of Congress & other government officials. However, the crown of 'royalty' for corruption has to go to the Clintons... watch and see if you agree...


Sunday, August 12, 2018

Another Seminal Video

(collection) Aug-Sept 2018

More videos which should be deemed of import to the Awakening; 'must-watch' videos for understanding the Truth of our world. Evil people spread beliefs like virulent disease, by & through their corporations, governments  & organizations through which they 'rule'...



Planned Parenthood Exposed


(Corbett Report from YT):

"Although the likes of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Bill Gates are happy to sing its praises (or perhaps because they are), Planned Parenthood has a racist eugenicist past that it would prefer to sweep under the rug. The bigger problem for the organization, though, is that the past isn't over and the public is beginning to discover the real driving force behind this globalist institution. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we pull back the curtain and expose Margaret Sanger's monstrous offspring: Planned Parenthood."






How to Manufacture (or Suppress) Outrage





Posted by Corbett Report [YT]

Sandra Fluke. Justice for Trayvon. Kony 2012. The 24/7 news cycle is dominated by incessant coverage of topics of little significance. Reported in a completely decontextualized manner, the public flits from story of the week to story of the week so that nothing is left in their wake but catchphrases and fleeting pop culture references. This is a method of control, and it can be used both to concentrate the public on boogeymen and distract us from the real dangers. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we examine how the would-be social engineers manufacture (and suppress) outrage.






Dark Secrets of the Rockefeller Family





Strictlyrevolution [YoopToob]

Full 2015 documentary about how the Rockefeller family has become one of the most wealthy and most powerful families on earth. ________________________________________ 1. Early life of John D. Rockefeller This video shows the chronological time-line of the Rockefeller family, starting with how William Avery 'Devil Bill' Rockefeller Sr. (1810-1906) schooled his son John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) to be a cunning businessman. 'Devil Bill' Rockefeller's son John D. Rockefeller became successful in the commodities trade at a very young age
2. The creation of the biggest oil monopoly in the world. John D. Rockefeller then decided to seek his fortune elsewhere and moved to Cleveland Ohio, where the oil business began to boom. There he established an oil refinery and gained prosperity through cunning plots, ruthlessness, conspiracy, shady deals and other criminal deeds. John D's. "Standard Oil" company would grow and expand to become the biggest oil monopoly in the world. The Standard Oil monopoly got so big and powerful, that in 1911, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the oil company violated the US Antitrust Law and that it had to be split up. This created various new successful Rockefeller oil companies, such as Exxon-Mobil (Esso), Chevron Corporation, Texaco and Gulf Oil. Having a positive effect on the stock market, the 1911 Supreme Court decision in effect made the Rockefeller family even more rich and powerful. 
The Rockefellers have always had intimate business and family relations with other powerful family dynasties, such as the Morgan banking family, members of the steel magnates of the Carnegie family, the DuPont family and the Rothschild banking families from Europe. The Rockefellers were connected to the Union Pacific Railroad company of E.H. Harriman. They were involved in the sponsorship of the Kuhn & Loeb bank in the United Kingdom and they had numerous business deals with Hitler's Nazi regime in Germany. There were the instrumental force behind the German chemical company I.G. Farben, which built and controlled the concentration camp Auschwitz, situated around the I.G. Farben chemical factory. Rockefeller's Standard Oil patented fuel even powered the entire Nazi air force 'the Luftwaffe'. 
3. David Rockefeller in the 20th and 21st century. During the 20th century David Rockefeller and other descendants of John D. Rockefeller maintained their wealth through banking, oil and expanded their power through politics and think-tanks or other non government organisations (NGOs). David Rockefeller, the oldest member of the Rockefeller family, is one of the founding members of the secretive Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. 
4. The full dominance of the Rockefeller empire The power of the Rockefeller family is not limited to the oil industry, they control large portions of the banking industry, the central banking system in the US through the Federal Reserve and overseas the European Central Bank. Through Rockefeller-controlled companies, organisations, think-tanks and other NGO's the family created The United Nations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Planned Parenthood, the Population Council, the Council of the Americas and the Rockefeller Foundation. Among other Rockefeller companies are: Monsanto, United Airlines, American Airlines, American Railroads, AT&T, Honeywell, Quaker Oats, and AXA Equitable Life Insurance. The estimated combined Rockefeller fortune is so big that it can be expressed in percentages of the entire US economy. The ultimate plan of these international oligarchs is to enslave humanity under a tyrannical one world government, ruled and controlled by them.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

'Big Brother's Incredible Spy Network

Revealed by Insider Binney;

WE are the enemy now...





Interview with William Binney, former NSA 'Sigint' (signal intelligence) insider, tells everyone what and HOW 'they' spy on EVERYONE, UNLAWFULLY...


THIS IS AN ISSUE about which everyone should be both concerned and alarmed. Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to be the case. It is also a system of lies and deceptions, and 'parallel construction', in which 'meta' evidences (gained illegally through mass sigint) can be used against people, though there is/was no probable cause, thereby without warrant or adjudication. They simply use the information gathered to invent the reason and justification, and gather further evidence, through secret 'courts'. The unconstitutionality of the means and ways utilized is obvious, on many levels; it is a breakdown of the entire 'rule of law'.

The uses and abuses of the US 'skynet' systems are patently unlawful, infringing upon the ENTIRE WORLD. I believe this system is integral to the BEAST SYSTEM, essentially becoming (digitally) omniscient & omnipresent, in order to mimic Yahuah's capabilities, in the mortal, or physical world. With the capabilities of the quantum computers now revealed, this spynet system can or will be able to predict behaviors and events through algorithms (think 'Minority Report', and 'pre-crime' ). 

The foregoing assumes that the vast majority of people have 'nothing to fear', because everyone thinks they are innocent and lawful, or even that their average citizen lives are 'boring' (why would they care?). However, it depends upon the criterion or criteria being used by the system, and the threat levels assigned BY THE MACHINES /AI BEING USED. THINK about it! [e.g., being labelled, based upon your 'meta' data, with a subjective assignation of 'veteran' , 'constitutionist', 'extremist', 'hater', 'gun owner', 'government resistor' or 'christian' may be enough to begin YOUR PROSECUTION, ARREST AND IMPRISONMENT]. 

In a system based upon electronic decisions mase by AI or who knows who or what, or by what criteria, ANYONE & everyone is liable to be persecuted, REGARDLESS OF THEIR 'INFRACTIONS'. What if 'it' is wrong? What if 'it' goes beyond programmed bounds? What if 'it' is taken over or controlled by liars and satanists of the 'deep state'?

 Who is going to be able to defend against arbitrary assignations, leading to persecution? In a world enabled by traitorous predecessors, and the etiology of such policies of 'law', as defined by NDAA &/or 'Patriot' Acts, UNDERSTAND:  anyone can be labelled an enemy combatant, and held without warrant, and 'disappeared', or black-bagged, without charge, and with absolutely no recourse, or even the ability to get a lawyer or make your presence known, or make a call...


However, understand 'it' and gain some wisdom...WATCH AND CONNECT SOME DOTS HERE, PLEASE!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

[NEW 'Series'] The Path to the Kingdom (Intro); A Process to Salvation, Redemption & Sanctification

[updated version]




('old' version)

In these end times, I believe the most important topic to comprehend has to do with one's personal salvation (sanctification, redemption, etc,). Many, I believe, are deceived to follow false paths and false doctrine leading to false beliefs & dubious assuredness re: their own state of 'salvation'. They (we, mostly all) have been deceived and indoctrinated to believe 'mainstream' lies produced by mainstream 'religion', which I wholeheartedly believe is more a tool of the adversary than of the Almighty; reliance upon their false beliefs and doctrine means one has no understanding, or bases for Truth.

[Hos 4:6 KJV] 6 *My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children*.

Specifically, what is typically being purveyed by religious institutions ['churches'] is an instant, no-effort, infallible method to 'salvation'--the 'alter call' & 'sinner's prayer'--but it is false, and unscriptural. It IS certainly apropos for these latter generations, craving 'easy' & instant gratification; the doctrine provides 'ear-tickling' solutions for those wishing to be 'saved', yet who are unwilling to invest time or energy to understand it, much less truly achieve.

PROBLEM: Much of the misinformation, &/or disinformation, which leads one into false beliefs & practices arises from the 'trusted' institutions one is socioculturally bound into believing; the so-called 'church'. Their 'teachings' on SALVATION, and how one achieves it, is more often an outright, unscriptural PACK OF LIES, which has no bearing or basis on scripture. However, as Children of the Most High, we are tasked with searching for and testing all matters of faith & scripture, in order that we know the Truth, and understand the Way of the Father. [1Th 5:21 KJV] 21 *Prove all things; hold fast that which is good* ...

In my understanding, and according to scripture, the key to understanding salvation is that it is an *ongoing process*, or a 'race' to the end, whence one undergoes judgement. One must *overcome & endure* hardships, trials and temptations, afflictions & attacks*, in order to reach the final destination ('finish' line); we are to be tried, &/or refined along the way...

(see:[Ecc 9:11 KJV] 11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race [is] not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

[1Co 9:24 KJV] 24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.
[Heb 12:1 KJV] 1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset [us], and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, )
[1Th 5:21, 23 KJV] 21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. ... 23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless *unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ*.

The true path to eternal salvation, and the key to entering into the rest, &/or the Kingdom, is to enter the 'race', and with effort and trials, to overcome sin and evil residing within, and affecting oneself. One must overcome the evil, and defeat the 'dragons' of the self and the world. In this series, I hope to convey that which I have come to understand is involved in the 'race', or the process, and the steps involved...

May all viewers, listeners &/or readers gain a blessing of the Most High for discernment and action, upon hearing and recognizing Truth and understanding the Way. Amein.
(see:[Ecc 9:11 KJV] 11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race [is] not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
[1Co 9:24 KJV] 24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.
[Heb 12:1 KJV] 1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset [us], and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, )


PROCESS & Path to the Kingdom (Pt 2); BELIEVE, Obey & Serve





Continuing in this series, I describe the three general principals or components of the process of salvation, leading to eternal life and entering unto the Kingdom, as promised in the Gospel (Goods News, yo): Believe Obey Serve 

This part (Pt 2) is predominantly about the first principal, and describes the particular beliefs that are deemed necessary to begin or proceed with the *PROCESS OF SALVATION*, as I am led to understand it. The viewpoint is/was gathered from experience, scriptural searches and more. 

Understand that the concept, as it is used here, is related or correlated with FAITH... However, as with most other doctrines taught or promoted by 'mainstream churchianity', there is much more involved in simple 'faith' than what meets the eye. 

I discuss the preliminaries in fairly brief manner (in my verbose way, lol) Please watch & share as you are led--more in the 'pipeline', incoming! May all viewers, listeners &/or readers gain a blessing of understanding and a call to action, in regards to necessary steps everyone must make to begin or stay on the path, in running the 'race'. Endure and overcome, brothers & sisters... Shalom

PROCESS & Path to the Kingdom (Pt 3); "OBEY"



In this third in the series video, I delve into another component in the "B.O.S" process of refinement leading to salvation, eternal life, as well as entering unto the rest, and the Kingdom. Much emphases are placed upon obedience to the Word and the Will of the Most High, as provided in scriptures; many, MANY verses, throughout! 
The obedience required includes knowing, attending to and obeying the Commandments, His judgements, statutes and even ordinances. I go into some detail, specifically with regards to the Commandments, which are iterated and re-iterated throughout the scriptures (*BOTH 'old' & 'new' testaments*). Many scriptural proofs are provided. Their importance and applicability to entering unto LIFE is delineated with little room for doubt or denial. 
Those who have fallen for the deceptions purveyed by 'mainstream religion', that the 'Law' has been 'done away with' might find this Truth disconcerting, but it is all readily available for all to see and to understand, if one simply attends to what the scriptures actually SAY. I pray that one and all come to know Truth, as it is written there... 
The *Commandments (etc.) are emphasized throughout BOTH 'new & old' Testaments*, and are the bases for judging good/bad fruit, blessings & curses of the Covenant, as well as *whether one enters unto LIFE* 13:05 ; the eternal life promised as one becomes a citizen of the Kingdom of the Most High (Yahuah), at the end of the 'race'... 
 Please watch and share these Truths, as I reveal them within the contexts of salvation, redemption and the process of refinement mentioned within the Word. May all viewers, listeners &/or readers gain a blessing of discernment, and a call to act upon the knowledge of scriptural Truth provided. Amein. 

PROCESS & Path to the Kingdom (Pt 4); "SERVE"



In this final video in the series, I discuss the third element (B.O.S.) requisite of eternal life/salvation, and/or entering unto the Kingdom: SERVE. In my understanding, to serve is to apply that which one believes and in obedience, doing good works, or producing good FRUIT. Much is said of these such fruits in scripture, and I show examples in the discourse contained herein... 

 One should not dismiss the importance of producing good deeds, or 'fruit'. Scriptures show that those WITHOUT good fruit will not enter into the rest, but be cut down and placed in the FIRE...A good SEED in good SOIL, or ground, will produce good FRUIT, and hence the converse, as described. 

 Understand that blessings, curses and one's 'place' in the Kingdom will depend on one's fruit, or 'works'. Furthermore, according to multiple scriptures, one is judged "according to their works". These include a spectrum of thoughts, words and deeds, as I understand it. As discussed, however, such fruits do not assure or qualify one for salvation; *it is but one aspect or requisite that naturally proceeds from the faith and obedience components*. 

 I.e., Good fruits are the inevitable PRODUCT of the faithful works no man is 'saved'. On the other hand, NO works or fruit, or 'bad' works or fruit will temp the axe and fire scenario...(yikes!) In the latter portion of the video, I try to provide a summary of all that was covered, and my understanding of the processes and such that are involved in redemption, sanctification, &/or salvation itself. 

 I hope that it might prepare one and provide an understanding to one seeking to claim the prize... There are many components involved, in my understanding; it isn't simple and it isn't necessarily instantaneous or lasting, if one doesn't remain faithful and involved in the PROCESS OF refinement. Sin is BOTH within & without, and everyone must OVERCOME IT. The process IS ONGOING, UNTIL THE END--THE END OF THE 'RACE'.

 Along the way, one undergoes trial, afflictions and refining by fire and tribulations. It isn't so easy that all who start down the path will 'win', or succeed. Many are called, but few chosen... 

 I pray that these videos are, have been, or will be an asset and a blessing to any and all who view them, as it has been for me to put them together. May all viewers, liseners &/or readers gain a blessing of understanding, clarity and a call to act, of, by & through the Spirit of the Most High, Yahuah. Amein. Shalom GT


*PLEASE* Visit my YT channel, GTox444, for many many other videos relating to the Awakening, (spiritual and otherwise), health, political discourse, and so much more! ( )

May all viewers, listeners &/or readers be blessed with a discerning spirit  and call to ACT upon that which is gained. So be it.

Please comment & share videos here (thumbs,too etc.) to help me get better established on this venue; tired of being walled & shadowed on 'OopToob'...thx ;)

Thursday, May 24, 2018

[updated Jun 2018]

Systems of the BEAST  -and- our ENSLAVEMENT, as described in both scripture and historical ['technocrat'] writings, predictive programming, etc.

A [YT] series expositing the DEEP deceptions & those who deceive, seemingly without detection, and against all rationality...

HOW is it that these [seemingly] insane concepts and bizarre machinations, BY KNOWN 'BAD ACTORS', continue to be purveyed & maintained in this modern era?
In this day of easily-accessed information, the many deceptions of the systems of the beast still remain in effect.
Apparently, these systems are hidden by sorceries & satanic influences of the 'Powers That Be', who are the rich and powerful, who do the bidding of their puppet-masters (rulers & principalities--see Ephesians 6)...

Rev 18:23
...for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries [Gr. see Strong's G5331*] were all nations deceived. (see ** below)

*Strong's G5331 - pharmakeia
KJV Translation Count — Total: 3x
The KJV translates Strongs G5331 in the following manner: sorcery (2x), witchcraft (1x).

Outline of Biblical Usage
1. the use or the administering of drugs
2. poisoning
3. sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
4. metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry
Strong’s Definitions [?] (Strong’s Definitions Legend)
† Ļ†Ī±ĻĪ¼Ī±ĪŗĪµĪÆĪ± pharmakeĆ­a, far-mak-i'-ah; from G5332; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):—sorcery, witchcraft
**[MERCHANTS = wealthy owners and marketers of industry, manufactiuring, etc., who plot to enslave Mankind for their profit , power and control. They are the controllers of the CORPORATIONS who ultimately control the vast majority of the world's production, properties and resources.] 

They own/run 
ALL the 'Bigs':

Agra (food)
med ('healthcare')
OIL (energy)  
BANKING (& finance)
Law (yup--'maritime' law of corporate commerce)...

The basis or main theme of the series is to point out these seemingly insane systems to the general public, who cannot or do not yet SEE them for what they are, or for what they are intended; the ENSLAVEMENT of all MANKIND.

I know, most will say "WHAT enslavement?", because they have no EYES TO SEE. Besides the influence of 'pharmakeia', people are blinded by powerful [ongoing] psychological operations, indoctrinating & reinforcing their (false) beliefs and TRADITIONS. There is acceptance of the current systems as somehow being 'OK', [without understanding] they confer beneficial stability or that they somehow  profit the 'average' man & woman 'on the street'. They DO NOT. They are all intended to control and deceive the peoples, for profits and control, and as a way to SERVE THEIR MASTER[S] (Satan & his cohorts)...

See, the enslavement of the modern era, in the 'new' Babylon or Egypt, is maintained predominantly by subversive psychological beliefs and deceptions on a mental level, to maintain control; it is no longer about [physical] shackles and guards. It is enabled & enforced through 'science', (false) beliefs, chemical toxins, and other 'modern' sorceries. Often, such means operate upon us through physiological mechanisms, such as by 'medications', and through poisonings  effected through food, water and even aerial dispersions (AKA 'geo-engineering'). Others operate through ubiquitous unnatural frequencies and devices that are deemed 'invaluable'. See my many videos on these toxic effectors...

Many toxic environmental pollutants, from many sources, both  combine and synergize to produce numerous illnesses, genetic & epigenetic disorders, and mental confusions. The devious technocrats have now established near total enslavement, just as their writings have described (e.g., see Aldus Huxley's descriptions of the system and the 'willing slaves' that they would [did] create) the following video for a brief example...

Chilling speech from Aldous Huxley 

(As featured in EndGame)



The foregoing videos show how Huxley sees us as 'servants' ; our enslavement as 'servitude'. This is the attitude of these so-called 'elites'. Their writings, and their reliance upon scientific deceptions, claimed, deemed or accepted as 'truths' are nothing but lies, and a means to their ends, of re-creating a neo-feudal world populated mostly by a dumbed-down, fully-controlled & indoctrinated SLAVES. Of course, they will be the masters, satisfying their every desire off the blood, sweat and tears of their serfs...

[Rev 18:11-13 KJV] 11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: 12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen,...13...and slaves, and souls of men.

The scripture above proves in end-times that not only will there be *slaves*, but also that they own & trade in SOULS. These are those who have been allowed to believe in the lies, and to be blinded by the delusions, because they

 don't love or SEEK Truth!

These are also those who will succumb to take the MARK OF THE BEAST, and who will not enter the Everlasting Kingdom of the Most High...

 THIS DOESN'T HAVE TO BE FULLY IMPLEMENTED, OR IT CAN BE REVERSED, THROUGH UNDERSTANDING OF THE 'BIG PICTURE'.  This requires a knowledge of and servitude to the one & only Creator; the Most High (Yahuah), and an understanding of scriptures. NOT 'religion', or the indoctrinations of doctrines & traditions of Man, which they ['churchianity'] profess.

KNOW that here are a remnant of 'Awakened' that can and DO SEE through the veil of darkness which envelopes these systems; 'banking and finance', 'religion', 'law', 'education', 'M$M [media]' and many more. These systemic deceptions are revealed and discussed within the contexts of the series (in-progress) my many YT videos, and others' as well. It is required that if one is to gain a true understanding, one must first BELIEVE and the SEEK our Heavenly Father's Truth and His Way. There is no OTHER PATH. I pray that all viewers, listeners &/or readers will discover and discern that Truth. So be it...



This will be an ongoing project, so please come back and watch them here, or on my YT channel [GTox444]...

Watch, share, download and embed these and others in an appropriate venue, please  ;)


Systems of the BEAST(intro-p1)

Systems of the BEAST(Pt 2) DEEP Deceptions

Systems of the BEAST(Pt 3) DEEP Deceptors

Systems of the BEAST(Pt 4) Bound by Banksters

Systems of the Beast (Pt 5a) Mass Media Machinations

Systems of the Beast (Pt 5b) *More* Mass Media Machinations




Systems of the Beast (Pt 5c) SEEK Truth or be SUPPRESSED





One of the main concerns for current 'truthers' is the overt & covert methods being used to both supress and stifle the ability of 'alternative' sources (those NOT controlled by TPTB) to disseminate information & concepts. Scripture states that a lack of knowledge is the destroyer of Yahuah's people. [Hos 4:6 KJV] 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.]



Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Neuroplasticity, DNA & Epigenetics

+ beliefs can harm or HEAL...


OMG! Who switched OFF our Brains? DNA can be CHANGED... YOU can change it

XtremeRealityCheck  [YT CHANNEL]

SHOCKING scientific discoveries proving that DNA and human brain structure can be changed and healed in just 21 days. Interviews with neurologists, pathologists and geneticists.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Understanding the Bases

  of the Globalist Intel System:

'They' stole the code to creat a crony-corporate ('gov') alliance controlled by monied elites, to institute psycho-sociocultural and governmental takeovers, all across the planet...


We call their platforms 'social media' or 'social networks'; ; they are not what they seem!

(please see source: Aim for Truth [opens new window])




 MUST SEE: A series of six videos of great import to the seeker of Truth--those wishing to gain understanding of the 'reality' which 'they' have imposed... 








  SES and Serco plan to control the world

American Intelligence Media
Published on May 17, 2018 (YouTube)


Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss how Serco companies work with the SES Deep State shadow government to implement 5G, and then manage the societal effects of their coming mass murder program. That’s why Serco runs FEMA camps, owns pathology companies, houses migrants, owns laundries, operates prisons, provides transport and rail, run hospitals and leisure centers, builds ships and space technology—to zap the populace with 5G like a mosquito zapper, then handle the clean up. This is important information that citizens around the world need to know about. So get this intel out to your community.