Another Zeitgeist Deception vid. Attempting to 'save' us from religion? Not a bad idea, because man-made (i.e.., 'Roman Catholic'-based) religion, is simply a [yes, basically] sun-god pagan worship cult, disguised as 'Christianity', and purporting to believe or follow the Bible. However, the truth is that the Early (3rd-4th-century) organizers of the 'Christian' church folded in all the pagan beliefs and rituals, and 'holidays' into it's system, in order to create a means of control--of everybody. Roman Catholic [RCC] system did this all over the world, and incorporated all pagan beliefs into so-called 'christianity'; this is why they adopted the whole Dec 25th ('Christmas' or Christ Mass) story, as well as the 'Easter' holiday stories--both utterly pagan and totally unbiblical--both sun god and/or moon-stars related, both entirely pagan, astrologically centering upon solar events (spring equinox and winter solstice).
These are NOT biblical holidays, or festivals of God, as set forth in his traditional (Biblical, or Torah [OT]) 7 feasts days; they are indeed pagan festivals promulgated by a pagan religion which was devised, and exists unto today, as a means of global CONTROL. The mythology of which you speak is indeed pagan, but what you attribute as Biblical is simply the errant methods and teachings of an apostate religion; for example, nowhere in the bible does it state that Jesus Christ was born on December 25th, and NOWHERE in the Bible does it say anything about 'three' kings, nor does it command or suggest anybody make 'Easter' a holiday, NOR does it state that the sabbath day would or should or is on Sunday. All of the foregoing are non-biblical TRADITIONS OF MAN as devised by the controllers, aka, the powers that be (TPTB), and have absolutely nothing to do with God, or the Bible.
In fact, the RCC system tried and succeeded keeping the Bible out of Man's hands, even persecuting, torturing, and killing those who possessed a copy. It wasn't till the Gutenburg Bible, and the advent of the printing-press, that Bibles even came to be owned and read by the layman, and the average person. The so-called reformation and protestant break-off occurred when people wrestled off the control of the RCC and their deceptive, pagan, ungodly [anti-biblical, anti-God] system, after discovering how those controlling religionists were deceiving them, and how their system went against what is clearly stated in the Bible (e.g.., Martin Luther's 95 points nailed to the door of the cathedral).
My point, overall, is that what you attribute as Biblical is NOT of or from the Bible, but from that group of pagans who claim to represent, and usurp authority of God, here on earth--they are, essentially, and realistically, simply groups of occultist, sun-worshippers disguising themselves as 'Christians'. They are not. 'Christian', because they do NOT follow either the Bible, or Jesus Christ (Yeshua, or Yehoshua). They, like you, are deceivers. They have deceived us in order to control us, and to rob us of salvation by their lies, and ungodly idolatry and abominations. For example, the 'pope' claims to be the divine power above and beyond God on earth, and that he can change laws and times (e.g.., Sunday worship) by his 'divinity',. It is their 'mark' of authority. Be careful brothers & sisters that it does not become, or remain YOUR mark.
Do not be deceived by the mythological rhetoric which claims to attack the Bible, and God, by misrepresenting attributions which supposedly come from the Bible. THEY DO NOT. Simply stated, your attributions about most everything stated are taken from teachings or beliefs or practices of RCC pagans, and TRADITIONS OF MAN. They are not Biblical at all. Therefore, you have no truth, nor any authority, nor honor, nor Light. There is only deception and darkness emanating from the poisonous Lies of these 'Zeitgeist' promoters. Are you, indeed, actually promoting astrology and mythology, as a replacement for the Biblical referents? Pagan mythology and worship of heaven, earth, and the stars, instead (we are warned not to fall for that, or to adopt the traditions of Man, and their idols)? What then, is your true agenda, if not to deceive and discourage the average person, who has little knowledge or understanding of the truth I reveal herein? It is of the Bible, not of Man, or his wretched 'religion'. To that, I can say I agree with much of the discourse provided; the lies and the deception of both Satan and his principalities are described and emphasized in your presentation. Congratulations--you bought into it--you were fooled and deceived by 'reason', or by science, or by 'rational' thought. However, I rebuke you for purveying false reasonings and lies based upon other lies which are all simply deception and confusion. Desist!
We have an inherent knowledge of God--we KNOW in our hearts that He exists, and the Bible has done what NO OTHER book or person has ever done--TO PROCLAIM THE FUTURE FROM THE PAST, THROUGH PROPHECY OF HIS SERVANTS. Nothing else compares. The future has been laid out, and each and every prophecy fulfilled, including the coming of the Word to the world, His ministry, His death, and resurrection of our Messiah. It continues to document the fall of the wily Satan, at the end of the age, and ushering in a new day, and a new world, free from the sinning, the lies, and the destruction (see Revelations!)
I know not what the presenter's intentions are, or were, but I do know that the things promoted here are sinful deceptions meant to snare the weak of heart , and/or those who lack knowledge (of the true Bible, or God's TRUE Word). Do not be moved by the deceivers, regardless of the intent, nor the lies purveyed, and the blasphemy here. Read and look to God's Word and the Bible as the only--the TRUTH, the LIGHT, and the Way, and by faith and belief in that which we KNOW deep inside. Do not be deceived by any man; LOOK it UP, and test everything, then hold onto ONLY that which is true and good. Amen brothers & sisters--do not lose faith by the wiles of the deceiver; was it not Satan who caused the fall by rational questioning of the will, the word, the intent of God's very command? (did he really say that...?)
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