
A collection of satirical, political, spiritual and humorous writings and ramblings on various topics, including current affairs and issues, the Great Awakening, health, toxins, prepping, bachelor life, and more. Look for commentary and stories meant for understanding, and even a good chuckle, as well as some useful tips and insights. Hermit tested and approved√

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

'Pre-Trib' Nuke: The Dangers of a False Doctrine

[Note: this is a basic transcript from my YouTube Video at the address/link:
My YT Post

(NOTE: One may ramp up the speed of playback setting to 1.25x using the 'cog' in lower-right, without distortion, making it 'shorter' in terms of time elapsing to watch...)

The Falling Away and the Pre-tribulation Rapture (Doctrine) Effects

Thusfar, my videos have exposited upon the etiology, or the setting, or prerequisites which set up our belief systems for further deceptions, and, as an initial ‘falling away’ of God’s people. From the establishment of the Protestant movement to the founding of the USA as a two-horned lamb, based upon the principles of religious and civil freedoms dominated by neither crowns of a Pope (state-mandated religion and laws) nor by an authoritarian, or unelected, king (rule by authoritarian fiat). Although the emphasis is and was related to America, the same principles may be [loosely] applied to much of the rest of the ‘civilized’, Western world. However, with the exception of the USA, most, if not all of the world has, or still is, influenced by subjugation, monarchical rule, or outright dictatorship—making America unique among nations, at least, up until the present. The ‘second Beast’ who will promote the first Beast, and set up his image, and enforce the worship of the first beast and its image will be a two-horned lamb (no crowns) who begins to speak as a dragon; this is fairly predictive of the evolution of our country and its governing bodies, across the recent past. What started as a God-fearing, morality-driven, protestant country [and government] has grown over time to be a God-hating, immoral, and now even persecuting, atheistic abomination. Furthermore, all the God-given rights and liberties we valued and supported in the past have been stripped away. Right now, they claim them all as privileges given permission. This is the real evolution we should be watching now.

The advent and rise of science, and scientific thought and methods, and the various ungodly beliefs which are promulgated through it, have led to a rationalization by Man which removes both God, and faith, from consideration. For example, see my videos on falling away, and/or relating the so-called science of evolution. In this, Satan has been highly effective in his deceptions, snaring and entrapping the majority of people into his anti-God propaganda campaign. The erosion of the family, and sociocultural moralities and mores, also via propaganda and conditioning methods, of his minions and cohort of NGO organizations, think tanks, via constant media (which ‘they’ own & control) dissemination, has also lead to the decimation of morality, as well. Taking God out of the public mind has led to such abominations as the feminist movement, the advent of the welfare state and enslavements, and the murder of the unborn, through state-supported abortion. 

The former movements, like UN Agenda 21, excel at trapping women and minorities into their belief systems and make them depend upon same—replacing God, and men, and family [ see my videos and links].  The promotion and acceptance, especially by the state, for birth control and abortions nets a  result that we now reside in a country, or a population of trained and controlled atheists, satanists, new-agers, and puke-warm ‘Christians’ who sacrifice their own children to Satan. Over 53 million condemnations have resulted from that permissive and immoral law alone. Think about it. Will God accept the murders into his kingdom? Certainly not the unrepentant, nor those who feel it a ‘right’ of theirs, and, technically, that they had not done ‘wrong’ or had sinned. This obvious condemnation, or even stating it as such is now thought to be like ‘hate speech’—it is soon to be outlawed, as street preaching is now being condemned. Wait until the ecumenicalist ‘unity’ , or one-world religion starts in on the evangelicals and the Christians—God’s true Church—we will be labeled as haters and they will persecute us, vehemently.

God’s church has already experienced a falling away, in my opinion, as I have suggested in other videos (see links/my YouTube page). However, what I have exposited upon in past may in fact not be the GREAT falling away; it may be merely a preamble, or the setting stages of an even greater and more visible apostasy.

This is what I will be delving into more thoroughly, in the present video. Specifically, the effects of the doctrine of devils and of the false prophets, the televangelists, who continue to deceive and lead astray the peoples of the Church. (*The* Church, not any denomination, etc). In particular, I am concerned with the false doctrine of the so-called ‘pre-trib’ rapture (PTR). 

The PTR is especially harmful, or potentially so, not only because it is a deception, but also because it may lead to an even GREATer falling away, after the tribulation[s] begins. The destructive effect is at least four-fold: 
1) Those adhering to the belief will have the prideful expectation that they are ‘chosen’, or perhaps elite or special, and therefore, will come to no harm; they do not fear the Day of the Lord, because they are self-assured. Some may believe that they are ‘the first’—the ‘chosen’, but they may, in truth, be ‘the last’. This prideful righteousness is sinful, and foolish, and will likely condemn many. There seem to be many different denominations who claim to be the only ones, or the ‘last remnant’. “…two men say they’re Jesus—one of them must be wrong”. This elitism and prideful self-delusionment will capture many proponents into cultish denominations or faddish movements, and those will likely be temples of deception and destruction. Be warned and beware such elitism or claims of being the only chosen peoples…This will result in fewer receiving or regaining salvation, and/or a greater falling away.

2) Those adhering to the belief will be unprepared for the upcoming trials and persecutions. Being unprepared means that they will ignore the calls of the Awakened, or the present Awakening (which I exhort), many of whom have been led by the spirit to both repent, and to prepare. This will hasten their own demise. Specifically, there has been a growing awareness of, and preparation for, an end-time collapse of social, political, and/or financial stability in the world. This of course is envisioned to be followed by the institution of the one-world governmental system, including the one-world religious and financial systems. Those who feel it ‘in their gut’, or by the spirit, have begun to prepare for the nebulous event[s] by storing food, water, medicine, weapons, and even gold or silver (etc.), with which to survive or extend their capacity to resist the upcoming crises. It is my opinion that their urges or foreknowledge, or fears may be the result of a discernment or communications of God’s warnings, and may become the basis for a source of respite and comfort for those who do prepare. It may also contribute to a greater number of converts during the tribulations, for those who come in contact with these ‘preppers’, who can and will share aid and comfort with them. As a Christian, we are indeed mandated to feed the hungry, and clothe the naked (etc.). This is a mandated function which often goes unfulfilled in our current ‘churches’. It will take on a great importance in the trying times to come. I urge all of you to become acquainted with this ‘prepping’ idea, and begin stockpiling—obedient church organizations, too. More on this later, hopefully.

3) Believing themselves shielded from tribulations, they have become, and will become, even more disconnected from the events leading up to the tribulations—these include participation in the election (and appointments therefrom) of the same officials which will initiate and carry out those persecutions. They will likely care far less that the world is ‘going to Hell in a hand-basket’, if they perceive no real threat or harm will come to them; they will escape all harm. The disturbing rise of paramilitary police and ‘security’ forces in the USA, and the huge surveillance-state system does not seem to upset them; little do they realize that that force will soon be turned upon them, not upon the non-existent ‘terrorists’ as they have been duped into believing, and by reasoning have given up their liberties for ‘security’. They don’t seem to understand that being a ‘good’ or upstanding citizen is EXACTLY the criterion for persecutions. Woe be it to them; they are in for a real shock. Those who are awake and aware in these end times may be able to delay the onset, or decrease the severity, or mayhap even prevent [at least some of] the tyranny altogether, if they are actively seeking to replace potential tyrants with good, God-fearing leaders. One may come to understand that there is a ‘safe zone’ or region of the USA which will preserve and protect God’s people during those terrible times; this is suggested by several passages (dunno— that I recall, though none specifically come to mind)

4) Many will be upset, and even angry, that they are being pursued, persecuted, and that they are being killed. The persecutions will likely evolve in severity over time, but will eventually end up as executions, presumably on a large scale, by beheading. This is specifically mentioned as a method used in the Bible. (cite…). They may even curse God for their persecutions, and many will lose what little faith they have/had, creating an even GREATER falling away. Understand that the whole world was deceived with the false prophets’ doctrines of devils. The number of these defections from faith will no doubt swell the numbers of those who will then join up with the other deceived, in worshipping the antichrist. Miracles and signs and wonders will ensnare many ignorant, or  lukewarm ‘Christians’ who do not have a grasp of the prophecies, or any in-depth knowledge of the Gospel, and the specifics of the revelations; those who were comfortable with their Sunday ‘weekend-warrior Christianity’, and those who ‘worship’ merely out of tradition, or sociocultural expectancies, or who attend for purposes of  social networking. 

It is hard to believe that anyone with even a basic understanding of the prophecies would succumb to accepting the usurper (antichrist) in place of Christ. It is clearly stated that all will see his coming in the clouds, as he comes as a Lion, and that the believers will be swept up from the four corners to join him while the wrath and punishments get started for the unworthy (the trumpets). I’m pretty sure that will not be the entrance of the antichrist, because he will be revealed, and claim himself as God, in the temple (abomination of desolation). Unfortunately, there will be multitudes of ignorant and deceived, who will be fooled. Undoubtedly, the antichrist will already have a great popularity and following, as a political figure. There has been a disturbing trend of blind following the current President, and cult-like chantings and attributions/depictions showing him crowned or his head sporting a halo. I’m not ready to declare him as a prime possibility just yet though; I will wait on more conclusive evidence. There are, though, millions who must be preparing his way with such attributions. It may in fact be true. [dunno]. 

At any rate, expect that there will be betrayals of the true Christians by this population of unworthy souls, and much love will be lost (cite-pic). This will result in further persecutions of the true Church. Apparently, such people do not understand, or are totally ignorant of world history, and the history of the Church. Throughout history, since before the time of Yeshua, or Jesus, the Christ, both Israelites and Christians have been persecuted, hunted, and executed simply for their beliefs, or for not bowing down to the dictates of false religions or theocratic dogmatics and their idols. Recall the Roman games, and the ‘feeding’ of Christians to the lions, or their being hacked to death by gladiators. Understand the fate of the Apostles themselves; nearly all were jailed, murdered, or even beheaded. Recall the persecution of true believers, and those espousing the Bible, and the counter-reformation of the RCC (Roman Catholic Church)—masses, even multiple millions were persecuted, tortured, and even burned at the stake by that so-called ‘Christian’ church/state. Even to this day, and especially in this day, many somehow fail to realize that Christians are dying right NOW—being bombed, maimed, crucified, and even beheaded, all throughout the Middle -East and Africa (in predominantly ‘Muslim’ nations now radicalized by ‘jihadists’). Specific mention of the many persecutions and of the saints and martyrs of God is referenced throughout Biblical texts. Did these saints and martyrs escape persecution—NO. Will you?—NO.

Do any of the readers or viewers feel that they have special protections, or immunity, that God’s own saints and martyrs didn’t possess? If so, what is the basis for such an idea? It must be misconstrued from some passages, which may have been presented out-of-context, or were ‘cherry-picked’ to falsify a deception. On the contrary, there are many specific passages that show that the end-time peoples will experience the tribulation[s]: This I will leave to a more thorough and detailed debunking of the noxious and deceptive teaching of the ‘pre-trib’ doctrine. I hope to be able to show, clearly, and as cogently and precise as can be shown, that the doctrine is false. I have already, now, explicated the dangers and downfalls inherent to this poison of the mind and soul. Do not be deceived. and, as always, LOOK it UP, and test all things…PLP, and may God bless the viewer. Amen.

Friday, June 13, 2014

INSANITY ALERT! Genetic Contamination of Our Food Supply--read-share-learn...

 (Please go to the link [below], whatever you do)
It's worse than we know. However, I am not surprised--and this is their intent--to despoil and pollute our entire food supply, and control/dominate both seeds AND our food supply, as leverage to further enslave all of us. 
Yes, enslave...

See, when the GMO fascist corporations got "free ride" to plant and experiment with any and all new/untested GMO crops, without any fear of retribution via federal courts [for ANY damages]*, they can and WILL plant all varieties of GE/GMO grains and other food crops which will corrupt our entire food supply.
This will occur via genetic 'drift' and/or pollination crossing via bees and other pollinators, as well as by pollen simply being blown [airborne] into adjacent areas. You are probably unaware that they have these experimental fields placed strategically across the country, in areas that will ensure the greatest 'drift' contaminations. Storms can create updrafts making pollen go up into cloud banks, which can persist for extended periods, and then to later be deposited with rain or winds; contamination can occur hundreds, perhaps even thousands[?] of miles away...

Note that court rulings have upheld that if a farmer's field is contaminated, even without his knowledge or consent, one is still in violation of Monsanto's patent rights [and/or Cargill, ADM, etc...], and can be held liable--and cannot replant his own seeds--as well as facing lawsuits which tie up their $$ and time and efforts to make a living, and often lead to bancruptcy/losing crops/losing their farms.
 [yes, Monsatan has a whole army of active agents and lawyers, and even go into people's fields to test for even ONE plant being contaminated]

Worst part: this is all sanctioned by the fascists in power up 'on the hill'--your elected "representatives" and gov, courts, and their minions--the 'alphabet' enforcer agencies that we used to think existed to protect US. Ha! the joke is on us. We really need to defund/eliminate a good part of our so-called gubment...

PLEASE: Learn about this stuff--what is more important?? TV, soap operas, 'idol', mundane everyday activites? or stuff that DIRECTLY affects you and every other soul on the planet? Warn others....get active...I am looking into getting more involved in movements/orgs which can represent our interests

*see 'Monsanto Protection Act' on web or prolly the site below [linked] has some references

Important Article on Food Supply Contamination

Where is the Outrage?

Where’s the Outrage?

[Note: This is the 'transcript' from my YT video entitled  Where is the Outrage? What Measure of Evil Will Inspire Action?   watch, download/share...PLP to the people]


For generations, both America and the world have been beset by a multitude of evil, tyranny, and oppression by the prince of the earth, and the powers of darkness which do his bidding. They endeavor to poison our hearts, our minds, and our souls, as they proceed unto their goal of world dominion and deception. They wreak havoc within the realms of the temporal Man; in finance, in government, and with respect to our 'religion', and faith itself. Our food and water, and health do suffer under their evil doings. What level of evil and chaotic destruction will we endure before our defiance builds the courage to act? What will it take to call upon the strength of our wills to rise up against the darkness, and to call upon our Lord for salvation, forgiveness, and to avenge our sorrows? What will *you* do to aid your fellow man during these crises? A revolution and an awakening is now occurring; what part will you play in the world events unfolding? Will you hide your face, and flee to the clouds, or join with your fellow Man in power and defiance of the man of perdition? Watch, share, discuss...and May God bless all the viewers, and all who read or listen...PLP 
It has been said that a mere 3-5% of the Colonists were active supporters of the American revolution, which was a long and hard road from its inception, to the eventual victory, culminating in our independence from both tyrannies of the day; kings and popes. We, the people, with a rag-tag army of volunteers and militiamen, bested the world's greatest superpower of the age. It was with pure determination, and I believe, divine providence, that we would wrest our sovereignty away from those tyrants and usurpers who wished to enslave and oppress the masses, for their own profit. Yes, as it was in days of old, so it remains; it seems that it’s always all about the love of money.

The 'powers that be' of the day had set up a system of trade, markets, currency, and taxation that only benefitted themselves, and put the colonists into virtual slavery. Usurpations of basic freedoms and rights went unchecked, and grew to become intolerable. Like the 'Stanford Prison Study', those in charge grew increasingly cruel and barbarous. For a time, the Colonists endured the tyranny, and bent to their will. But there were stirrings in the hearts of Man; a longing for fair and righteous rule, and a desire to secure and maintain dignity and freedoms for the common man. Though many had once been peasants, indentured servants, and bondsmen, they were able to grow and prosper in the New World, and to realize their own potential; they were no longer limited by the oppression of the old ways, of the Old World, and the system of enslavement. If a man were to use his talents, and by his own diligent labors, prosperity and freedom could be attained--this was the advent and realization of The American Dream. In all the world, no other country could boast this unique human endeavor—no place was like America (the colonies)—either then or now. The Colonists had tasted freedom, and saw that it was good. Once tasted, there was no other alternative; they must retain and defend it, even with their very lives. 

The setting of the insurrection was a time of foreign military occupation, and peoples’ own homes and property rights were violated at the whim of the state--many even required to quarter the 'enemy' in their own homes. Random and oppressive schemes of taxation were enacted to drain their livelihoods and erode the freedoms they experienced. The 'state' had overstepped the boundaries of tolerance. A few brave souls gathered together to protest, and to act in response to the cumulative oppressions. Some even disguised themselves as 'natives', to throw tea into a harbor, lest they be unfairly taxed, simply to consume it. Eventually, a gathering of distinguished, intelligent, and propertied colonists would result in a formal declaration of independence from the ‘mother’ country. In this document was a listing of the tyrannies and usurpations, and a delineation of their new-found freedoms, as well as the inalienable rights that they now understood to be common to all Mankind, as given to them by God. Yes, God was an integral part of their thinking, and of their heritage, and His ways would be included as a basis for their own system of governing, in their country—a confederacy which would eventually become United States of America. May God bless those brave souls. They established the first and only system of government designed to be of, by, and for the average man—the people, within a framework of God’s laws and His righteous freedoms, instead of simply of, by, and for the ruling class and their monied interests, as was the norm.

One must realize that, at one point—the tipping point—there was an accumulated outrage that began to be felt by many of the population, to such a degree that the few, the proud, and the brave could simply no longer tolerate. This was a gradual process, to be sure, with the minority fanning the brushfires of freedom, via public distribution of incendiary pamphlets and such (eg., Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”). An appeal to awakening both the distrust of the ruling government, and the growing discontent with the intolerable tyrannies they purveyed, did much to foment the revolution. Again, this discontent was advocated by the vocal minority, to be sure. However, it is fair to assume that the general sentiment was favorable to the public at large, yet discontent was less likely in public, for fear of persecutions and further loss of liberty. Often a revolution is simply in need of a bold and a fearless leadership.

Today we Americans have become oppressed by a progressively tyrannical system of fascist/socialist government, which uses divisive propaganda and rhetorical debasing of our system, its foundations, and its freedoms. We no longer can claim any control over our so-called ‘representative’ government, which now overtly supports the big-money corporations and the ‘elites’ in the banking/finance systems. Our government freely supports the usurpations of our Constitutional freedoms, and the suppression of our civil and legal rights, as defined by the Bill of Rights. They openly persecute the so-called ‘extremist’ groups, which, in reality, hold  commonplace sentiments. The groups defined in their military and civilian training manuals include Christians, Constitutionists, Libertarians, gun owners, tax protesters, or anybody expressing discontent with their ‘progressive’ agendas. ‘They’ do this through media propaganda, and various ‘alphabet agencies’ and quasi-legislative bodies of regulators, by selective enforcements, and even openly through the IRS tax enforcement policies and harassments. Meanwhile, they give huge concessions and tax breaks to their crony-supported big businesses, bail out banks and banksters to the tune of billions, who in turn gave record bonuses to those who foreclosed on our most valued investments. Too big to fail, and too big to jail? Now, they threaten our hard-earned savings and retirement accounts with ‘federalization’. They pump over a trillion Dollars annually into an endless ‘QE’ scheme which not only inflates away the value of our currency, but also enslaves the next generation to their debts. We now buy our own bonds—pure economic insanity—Does the reader even GET that? Doesn’t ANYONE  understand that the ‘Federal Reserve System’ is just a cabal of globalist bankers, who have usurped our economy and enslaved the citizenry?

We are taxed and licensed, and ‘feed’ to the hilt, yet receive no real representation in our ‘government’. We are lied to, and let down by talking heads spewing words that we want to hear, yet nothing ever improves, despite shelling out more and more of our time and labors to tax independence day—about halfway through the year. Our roads, bridges, and infrastructure is crumbling, and still we pay more and more for less and less. We are deceived by the so-called ’two-party’ system, which is simply two wings of the same, corrupt, ruling-class dialectic.

The social and cultural propaganda they purvey suggests that we must all become a collective, and bow to their hive-mind, ‘politically-correct’ acceptance of the insane and the perverse, else we are labelled as racists,  haters or ‘extremists’. They claim that our children are no longer our own, and they use the ‘education’ system to program obedience and fidelity to the hive-mind of ‘progressive’ politics and thought. They deceive us with their state-run media lies and falsehoods, citing pseudo-science; it is all to benefit whom? Their crony business interests. Religion and God, as well as any sense of modesty or morality, are banned or discouraged, and the government controls most institutions via their 501-C3 status. They now recruit our pastors and priests to inform on their own church-goers. They are instituting a God-less church-state, as a means of control. They are the wolves, and we are simply ’sheeple’…being led to the slaughter.

We now have a government of, by, and for the rich and powerful ‘elites’. They care nothing about the people or their needs or wishes, and they care not about harming either us or the environment. They poison our food and our water with toxins, hormone disrupters and antibiotics, and genetically-modified ‘franken-foods’, while holding the perverse manufacturers and poisoners free from any recourse, for whatever damages. The big-chem companies have control over both our food, and our seeds. Soon, they will put the squeeze on us, in a planned upcoming ‘famine’. They poison our air and our environment with atmospheric toxins and sterilants, claiming to be saving us from environmental apocalypse (look up ‘geoengineering’ or ‘chemtrails’). Yet, the toxic metal oxides and heavy metals they spray across the lands are killing the soil, and the inhabitants of the entire world. They lead us to slaughter after they make us sick and fat, and bound to the big-pharma, big-med, and big-insurance scams. The ‘alphabet agencies’ have revolving doors for industry insiders—like the former VP of Monsanto—Michael Taylor—now head of the FDA…

They decry our laws and traditions, perverting our system of ‘justice’ and allowing open-border immigration into our once-rich and prosperous nation. These illegal invaders are then treated better than citizens, let out of our prisons, and heavily subsidized with food and healthcare, by our welfare state—yet even our veterans are left in the cold, and without treatments promised, and earned, by their blood, sweat, and tears. Importing third-world illegals ensures someone will do the elites’ laundry, take care of their kids, and keep up their lawns, and for next-to-nothing. They are virtual slaves in our land, yet they are better off than from whence they came; who can blame them?  Just the other day, though, 36,000 ‘illegal alien’ offenders were released…many others gained deference from expulsion, and camps are being set up to house thousands of non-resident children (Fort Sill, OK., and elsewhere). What are we doing with these people, when more and more of our own people are broke, and homeless, and dependent upon government handouts?? Our rights to due process and trial by jury of our peers have disintegrated to a system of bargaining, and our jails are full of nonviolent offenders; these are fueling an expansion of prisons not seen in any ‘civilized’ nation—and a population of inmates larger than any authoritarian regime in history. What nation can endure the escalating costs of such a system, either in dollars, or the production/humanitarian losses incurred? Who benefits from the expansion of such an inhumane system? The so-called ‘elites’—the big-money masters of the world.

They have purposefully bankrupted and destroyed our industry and our ability to manufacture our own goods, making us totally dependent upon third-world nations, who use their state-sponsored slavery to undercut our system, and decimating self-reliance. We are left with underpaid, under skilled workers and part-time, service-oriented jobs. Our educational system is a joke, and we are churning out the most ill-informed, and dumbed-down citizens, despite ever-increasing numbers of college graduates. They have no jobs awaiting them. They don’t want an informed electorate; they want programmed drones to do their shit-work. Soon enough, they will replace most of us with robotic workers, who never need pay, or time off, or benefits. We will become “…useless eaters”. What do you suppose will be our fate then?

Their poisons and many policies and practices have limited our ability and capacity to reproduce. Their chemicals make us sick, and fat, and infertile. The new drivers of our GDP and economy are the very companies who make us sick, and those who ‘treat’ us. GMO-fed animal studies showed that within three generations, 90% + of those who survived could no longer reproduce. Is this the true intent of the powers that be? Of course. We are no longer needed—we are ‘obsolete’; at least most of us. Sure, they will require some technicians and maintenance workers, for a time, but maybe that’s why we have illegal immigrants, eh? Third-world,  authoritarian-controlled ‘slave’ populations already surpass us in education and skills, industry, and even infrastructures; they are passively droning already—who needs those nasty and rebellious, freedom-loving ‘Americans’?

They are claiming that we are using too many resources, and so have instituted a policy of shutting down our fossil fuel use and energy consumption. However, they are doing so by manufactured ‘scarcity’ and through an unsound and unscientific tyranny of so-called ‘environmentalism’ or ’sustainability’. In reality, ‘they’ simply wish to get more and more of our resources for less and less of their production. The current regime has been openly claiming that coal plants, no matter how ‘clean’, would simply be bankrupted by regulations and restrictions, and that our energy costs would necessarily “skyrocket”. We have not allowed any new processing or refinery plants to be built, regardless of improved technology and capacities, for a generation. Is there any wonder that energy prices continue to rise, despite huge new discoveries and gluts of natural gas resources—even shale-deposit technologies? We are being robbed and cheated, and the stranglehold gets tighter as we become poorer and poorer (due to the ’squeeze’). Meanwhile, ‘they’ get richer and more powerful, and are taking over global control.

Yes, global control is their goal; but it’s not a conspiracy theory, it is simply a conspiracy—plain and simple. The elitist bastards who own and run all the banks, the industry, and the multi-national corporations owns everything already, and now they want to institute their total control over the will of the people—world-wide. They are doing so via an orchestrated, multi-generational process to brainwash, program, and enslave us all, so that they can limit our effect upon THEIR WORLD, and THEIR RESOURCES.  It will be a unified world governmental, financial, and religious system, as prophesied. They already have all the money that that could ever spend, and they already own everything, so they feel entitled to rule over us as their serfs, or peasants, and to ration out their resources only to those submitting their wills and lives to them. In effect, they will be, or they desire to be, our lords—our ‘gods’. They want to lord over us, and use us as they would claim ownership of a slave. They want us, and our children, to enslave, and sexually abuse, and even to sacrifice to their master; Satan himself, the ultimate puppet-master. They have been promised a partnership in the tyrannical world-government-to-be, and its sick and twisted rule. They no doubt have been promised great riches, or power, fame, or slaves, or whatever carnal and worldly desires are found in the pit of their weak, inhuman, and selfish hearts. They will be free to indulge in their fantasies, at our expense, or so they are told. And likely, there will be a terror on earth that is seemingly unimaginable to those of us who are ‘civilized’. Biblically speaking, the perversions will exceed anything in history, as it is foretold. But as in any and every other usurpation, the ‘elites’, too, will be betrayed, no doubt becoming the victims of a grande purge themselves, shortly after control over the temporal world is achieved. Night of the long knives, as it were. They will suffer retribution and torture in the new world order persecution chambers, as befitting their pathetic selves, and then they will burn in the fire cast by the true God, in judgement. Justice will be swift and sure. Amen. One can take a bit of solace in that promise…

Right now, we are experiencing the squeeze of  two seemingly opposite factions; the fascist/corporatist financial overthrow, while also suffering a socialist takeover of our government, though such is sponsored and controlled by the former. It is the blending of the seemingly discrete into one, all-powerful system to rob and rule over us all. The distinction from communism or socialism can be made in that corporate interests appear to hold sway over the peoples’ interests, as opposed to the bourgeoisie , or bureaucrats [upper middle-class of old]. That is, such has been replaced with the ‘one-percent’, or only the super-rich, in effect, because they are the true owners and controllers of the corporate world which controls our current government, and the wealth of the world. It seems oxymoronic and even counter-intuitive that these people are affecting a socialist takeover in our country [USA]. However, the reality is that, over time, and with much testing, the socialist form of government appears to be capable of suppressing the ‘proletariat’ while empowering and enriching the leaders, which are, indeed, the ‘elites’ (and their global corporate mega-monopolies)—such as the model of China. If the present direction isn’t changed, we can look forward to a similarly authoritarian rule right here in the USA. But it’s not just here; this is a conspiracy of global proportion…

The powers that be (TPTB) have increasingly tightened their stranglehold grip upon our world financial systems, and their [private] central banking schemes. They have begun to replace elected officials in the EU with corporate puppets. They have engaged in outright theft of peoples’ savings out of their own banking institutions. They have instituted and begun enforcement and establishment of the globalist government rules, or laws, via extra-congressional treaty signings by our ‘president’ and Congress (e.g. UN Agenda 21). They have developed a world court, and a world bank (IMF+),  through which they enforce their will via indebtedness and payoffs to local, corrupted, political figures. They maintain a standing army for enforcement of their globalist rules, via the UN, with many members contributing funding, equipment, and manpower. They use the various media in all member countries in order to purvey and promote their various agendas, while stifling opposition and contrary opinion. They set up so-called ‘free-trade’ agreements which actually stifle competition, and bully the non-conforming free capitalism system, countries, and independent business interests, into submission (e.g. the TPP and TAFTA, NAFTA, GATT, etc…). 

The social, sociocultural, and religious systems have already gained control over the hearts and minds of the various peoples, and through brainwashing and propaganda throughout the various public media, and the many divisive and group-think psy-operations (e.g. ‘politically correctness’, etc.), they control our attitudes and belief systems. The ecumenical call to unity is purveyed by and through both the Roman-Catholic church-state, and all of their religious sell-out affiliates, world-wide (including Islam). They, in effect, rule over us all, already—in almost every facet of our lives. It is a mere formality that they institute and declare themselves to be ‘in power’, and takeover overtly. At that time, we will come to understand the pervasiveness and the insidious nature of the global takeover, and we shall experience even greater control over our everyday lives, the likes of which can only be imagined. 

Everything that they say and do is meant to deceive us—and they have many resources. They say that we must fear the ‘terrorists’ as our main enemy, which they use as an excuse to invade sovereign countries, and in effect, to take over their resources by ending up putting some puppet into place as ruler (‘elected’ or not, who would truly know? It is not beyond their capacities to ‘rig’ results—“…to the counter belongs the spoils” [Diebold, here in USA—hey, WHO owns that?]). Who was enriched, and who paid the horrible costs? Winners: Haliburton, military-industrial complex corporations, and Big oil…LOSERS: Our young men and women, the ’taxpayer’, and foreign civilians, mostly. Basically good people we had no real quarrel with. Now, these same ‘terrorists’ are being openly armed and financially backed to take over, by covert, mercenary actions, the middle-east countries. In the process, we are, by proxy, KILLING CHRISTIANS AND JEWS throughout the area, as these radical Muslim factions burn churches, rape and molest women ( supported by Imans), and crucify or BEHEADING peoples simply because they are not followers of Muhammed or Islam. Yes—look it up…I have posted video[s] here on YouTube myself, with regard to this topic [GTox444]. Surprisingly, the so-called ‘homeland security’ forces and infrastructure now have a NEW target; so-called ‘domestic extremists. You know, Christians, Libertarians, and any freedom-loving, sane American not under the demonic influences of Satan and the ‘progressives’ and their insane, treasonous policies. Yes. Treasonous. Insane. You KNOW to what I refer, surely; If you don’t, I am not sure what planet you have been on for the past ten years or so. 

The foregoing describes what is known as the ‘Beast’ system, as prophesied in the Holy Bible, the true and only word of God, and the only book of prophesy ever to make innumerable, correct and accurate predictions about the future of Man and the world, without fail. That is proof and how we must come to understand that it is INDEED, the source of Truth—God’s truth. The only Truth. We will be subjected to greater and greater lies and deceptions, and tyranny—and will be required to bow to the state, and to the false god in worship, under threat of economic sanctions and persecutions, at first, but later escalating to threats to our family and friends, loss of liberties and property, and eventually, capital punishment [specifically, beheading, as per prophesy].

TPTB have already set up the control grids and the surveillance networks to intrude and control nearly everything we do. They are now arming the ‘security’ forces across America (police, and many seemingly unrelated alphabet agencies), with automatic weapons, hollow-point ammunition, and armored vehicles—MRAP/Humvee—as well as recruiting a proposed ‘civilian force’ and things like FEMA Corps, (etc—what is this ‘FEMA Corp?). They have ‘federalized’ most of our state and local enforcement agencies, as well, through HSA. They have already stripped us of [nearly] all Constitutional rights, due process, privacy, Habeus Corpus, and may, BY LAW, detain anyone, without charge, indefinitely, as well as to TARGET YOU FOR TERMINATION BY ANONYMOUS DRONE STRIKE FROM THE AIR. Don’t you GET IT? BY EXCHANGING OUR FREEDOMS FOR WHAT SEEMED TO BE SECURITY (see Ben Franklin quote re: this), YOU ALLOWED THESE PEOPLE TO DO THIS…There is not an upcoming TAKEOVER; IT HAS ALREADY OCCURRED. YOU ARE LIVING IN A POLICE STATE WITHOUT RECOURSE OR REMEDY, EXCEPT TO DECLARE A REVOLUTION! 

Given the foregoing information regarding the current and future state of the USA and the GLOBALIST TAKEOVER of the world, one REALLY must ask: “Where is the outrage?—doesn’t any of this bother you?” It simply amazes me that there is no overt battle cry or seeming opposition to this ordeal we have pressed into, unwittingly or otherwise. OK, we were deceived by these fascist , dictatorial bastards (bitches, too). Time to draw a line in the sand—behind us, and to put our foot down. They used lies and propaganda, and maybe it seem like a logical or rational choice. If you are not a targeted group member, and you have or do support these policies in any way, you are guilty of corroboration. You are likely a member of the ‘elite’, or you are so brainwashed and ignorant that you hardly fit criteria for a salient human being. May you reap the punishment you deserve. If you are a targeted group member ( roughly 90%+), then you are guilty of being a passive weenie, at best, or a spineless dog. Sure, they poison us with BPA in our canned goods, and in our water bottles. OK, they feminize the men with soybean byproducts which mimic estrogen, in nearly every ‘food’ product. Yes, there are many environmental toxins all over the place which lower testosterone and make ‘men’ into little girlie-men. And ya, they are turning us all into androgynous whatchamacallits. Meanwhile, they turn all our women into lesbians and macho butch-dykes. So what? They fluoridate or water and brominate our bread. They make us sick, fat, and apathetic with their propaganda, their ‘food-like products’ and they distract us with dangerous porn and even more dangerous TV and video games. They are all time-sinks. We work—we play—we go about our own day-to-day. Who cares what is going on in the outside world, or what is happening to our neighbors, or in our state, or our country? Who cares what political party or official we vote for—doesn’t make any difference, because shit just gets stacked deeper, every day. I have no power, and what could one person do? Fuck it—pass those GMO chips, will you? —and pass me that BPA-ridden Glycol beverage—I think they call it …‘beer’—or anti-freeze—I fuget…

How could ANY of us Americans not be totally outraged? Out on the streets, and in the local Wallymart, I hear people remarking, and grumbling, and complaining about the system and the government. They do *seem* angry. There *seems* to be a great awakening out there, based upon what I see on the internet, on YouTube videos, and so on. (BTW, that and all true media freedoms are about to be flushed down the toilet if they pass the so-called ‘trade’ agreements under discussion. Fast-tracking these through our treasonous Congress will net us a death knell to open opposition and free speech, as we know it, despite censorship and current limits). Unfortunately, the tyranny gets closer and more in-depth as time passes, seemingly without notice. OK. They control all the public media via like only six corporate powerhouses, and can censor such ‘freedoms’ as YouTube, etc. They own all the movie and television program production and distribution, and all the major, nation-wide or international periodicals (newspapers, magazines, etc.), as well as 90%+ of the radio stations…It may not be that surprising that no leader[s] have surfaced to call forth these angry public—because they simply don’t get any time, or are ridiculed and ‘delphied’ by media that are state controlled. Merely using ad hominem or straw-man techniques is enough to train the average idiot box viewer how they want them to think—with, even toss in a red herring or two—nobody is really conscious in the audience anyway! I mean, extending the debt limit doesn’t make us get into more debt, after all! You got a business? you didn’t make that happen…and war is peace and up is down.

Besides a general inquiry regarding ‘where’s the outrage’, A logical follow-up question would be something like…“ what are YOU going to do about this?” Now,  I am not going to lecture you about what you, personally, should do; I simply want you to go and look it up, and discover for yourself the truth of our state of affairs, and that of the world. Then I want you to think on it real carefully; is this the system that I want to live in, or a world that I would desire my children, or my grandchildren, to live under? If the answer is “No.”, then I’m going to repeat the above: “ what are YOU going to do about this?”.  Then I want you to think about that for a while—ponder the various possibilities, and maybe do a personal cost-benefit analysis, if so inclined. Now, don’t tell me—what YOU are going to do about this—even better, SHOW ME with some action—or an action plan. This exposition, or this video, is my current, and albeit limited, action—but it is an action. You might do one of many other possibilities. 

But realize this—We must all take up the mantle for our progeny, and for future generations—for all mankind is at risk…men, women, black, white, red, and brown; people from all classes and social strata; all beliefs, creeds and religions, all across the world. The beast system is a harbinger of death and eternal damnation—the veritable end of the world as we know it. Not just for Americans, but the ENTIRE WORLD, AND ALL ITS PEOPLES!!  We have a common enemy, and they have nearly achieved all of their stated and unstated goals; we must come together in total resistance— we must gather in unity, despite our differences, and come to an equitable solution. We must take back our world, and then reform it into one that is just, and fair, and moral—seeking righteousness—and as nations and peoples, we must repent of our sinful ways and practices, and ask for God’s forgiveness. That is our only option, and our only reprieve. This is the time of our final warning. If a truly unified world is impossible, as envisioned here, as individuals, we can act on our own, or in groups, or states, or as individual nations—we do not have to allow this great and terrible curse to befall us all. We can fight the good fight and become warriors of God, by putting on His armor, and taking up the mantle. It is truly come to this: it is truly VICTORY OR DEATH, for our minds, for our bodies, and for our very souls.

I am not advocating armed revolt or violence in any way. However, to defend one’s own life and liberty is each of our duties. I pray it doesn’t come to that. Before the final takeover process is fulfilled, we can participate in the infowar, as patriots and citizens. We can start, and fan the brushfires of liberty and American freedom, both in word and in deed. We can demand recognition and respect for OUR beliefs and opinions, and resist in many, many ways, just as Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, JFK, and Martin Luther King did. I appeal to your humanity, in a belief that Mankind is not inherently and irrevocably evil, as one might think, given the state of the world, and despite our many shortcomings, and I pray the Lord bless and protect all those who do feel moved to think, and to act, and especially all those who seek to know the truth of our ever-lasting Father, and come to repent in this age of awakening, before amnesty ends…Amen.

Some interesting, informative, or pertinent videos—please LOOK it UP, and do your own due diligence to understand the events of our present, past, and future world…the following is a drop in the bucket—please dig further on your own…

My Blog:

See Also My other related videos at My YouTube Channel: (GTox444):

*A Must watch*: The Tiny Dot - by Larken Rose 
( Visual and intellectual example of the insanity of the tiny few overlording on the many—think about it.)

American Revolution I & II?

(are we becoming a communist nation?)
YouTube (communist manifesto search—discover how close we have come to adopting this radical, FAIL way of life)

(Dumbed-down Americans; any wonder we are sinking so quickly?)

(Arming of alphabet agencies, and paramilitary takeover/ Congressional treason)
YouTube (paramilitary buildup US police search)

(general info about the world we inhabit, and its overthrow by evil forces)