
A collection of satirical, political, spiritual and humorous writings and ramblings on various topics, including current affairs and issues, the Great Awakening, health, toxins, prepping, bachelor life, and more. Look for commentary and stories meant for understanding, and even a good chuckle, as well as some useful tips and insights. Hermit tested and approved√

Please check or re-check the 'Seminal' video series OFTEN for updated content &/or videos...GT

Monday, April 15, 2013

Over-the-Top: A New 'Insanity Virus'?

Over-the-Top: A New Insanity Virus?

Over the past few months, there seems to have been an escalating number of what appears to be totally absurd, even unbelievable,  statements and actions originating from our central government (and related minions). Myriad treasonous (and blatantly unconstitutional) proposals, legislations, press releases, leaked emails, statements, commentary, and activities can be attributed to the mainstream media (MSM), Congress, the Obama administration, and the various ‘alphabet’ agencies (CIA, FBI, DHS, DoJ, and so on). 

‘They’ have certainly gone ‘over-the-top’  with regard to labeling or targeting everyday Americans—damn near the majority of us—in their newest version of the ‘war on terror’. Yup, it’s focus is now ‘Joe Sixpack’, and, frankly, just about everyone else who doesn’t agree with their insane socialist-globalist agenda. This new policy is so extreme, and bizarre, that it defies logic; frankly, it’s rather scary to think that it really can happen here.

Although this has apparently been an ongoing process, more recently the escalation process seemed to start with the gun-grabbing assault on the second amendment (2A) following the unfortunate events at Sandy Hook. Henceforth, there has been an increasingly aggressive assault on our constitutional—inalienable—rights, as well as upon logical thought and reasonable action. OK; most everyone recognizes the lefties are pro-socialist drones, brainwashed by globalist propaganda for generations—but, insane? Absurd? That is, they seem to have been afflicted by some sort of mass-psychosis ‘event horizon’, and now it is just getting way past crazy; they have simply gone too far. It's like we all somehow got transported into the Bizzaro dimension. 

One particular escalation [which prompted this article] is the patently absurd attribution of groups ‘They’ see as “extremists” or radicals, and/or those viewed as potential [so-called] ‘terrorists’. It started with the usual scapegoats; those groups that have been demonized in the past (eg., ‘right-wing’ militia groups, survivalists, etc.). However, over the past few months, such target groups have been replaced by the average American, the everyman, and even our veterans—those who fought to preserve our freedoms and our very way of life. This is truly insane!

The (below) YouTube video goes a long way in explaining the scope of the madness:

Video uploaded by Infowars…"Is the Government Targeting Patriots & Christians?"

Yes, insanity has overcome the whole DC crowd, and all their cronies. That is, as explicated below, their ever-expanding list of ‘extremists’, and  pseudo-terrorists now includes the majority of Americans. This is the crux of the conundrum; If the majority of Americans (yes, I’m included in there too) are ‘extremists’, then what does one call these accusers? It seems only logical to assert that ‘they’ are the ones who are extremists, not these groups of average American citizens. By definition, ‘extremist’ is defined as follows:
(Wikipedia definition)
         “Extremism (represented on both sides of the political spectrum) is any ideology or political act far outside the perceived political center of a society; or otherwise claimed to violate common moral standards. In democratic societies, individuals or groups that advocate the replacement of democracy with an authoritarian regime are usually considered to be extremists; in authoritarian societies, people who espouse democratic or otherwise liberal ideals are labelled as extremists by the ruling class or government.”
As suggested, advocating authoritarian views and policies  would be deemed extremist, in the USA. That is our current situation. Welcome to Amerika! Sieg Heil! It is ‘They’ who are outside the political center—they who are advocating the extremist policies. As far as being ‘way out there’ in the spectrum of social and political ideals, it is the ‘Bamanites’, and not their targeted population (We, the people).
What is certain is that, in general, the average American is not in favor of openly authoritarian rule, but is, instead, pro-freedom and pro-Constitution. Sure, many of us are highly brainwashed and pre-programmed by years of cradle-to-grave propaganda, even a lot of total sheep, but I don’t think we are willing participants in this takeover, as the administration leads us to believe (eg., the '90%+' want tougher gun regulation LIE)

Let’s take a closer look at the [absurd] groups that they now claim are threats to the current regime*, and the huge numbers of everyday Americans these groups comprise:
[*note: see “Clickable References” below for sources, citations, and more information re: superscripted notations]
  • Religious  “extremists”: No discrimination here…it’s just about everybody…(see Fig. 1a and 1b)
    • Christiansa:
    • Evangelical &/or any Christian “identity”
    • Catholics
    • Mormon (fundamentalist)
    • Jews (Orthodox, JDL, and others)
    • Islamists, Muslims of various sort, and some admittedly radical groups, like KKK, etc.
    • “Islamophobia” [ya, not really a religious group]
Figure 1a. Groups claimed to be ‘religious extremists’ in current US Army training aid.
Figure 1b. USA Religious Affiliation percentages.
Figure 2. American ‘White’ Male Population, aged 18-74 years
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011 American Community Survey; table modified for clarity  see also: 
  • Anybody who has ever been treated or diagnosed with a DSM mental ‘disorder’e, which includes anxiety and/or depression. Vets are now receiving notices that they are deemed unfit for gun ownership [without due process], and urged or coerced into evaluations &/or illegal gun confiscations; this is a function of Medical or Psychiatric Tyranny
  • Unfortunately, what seems to be the trend in psychology, and especially psychiatry, is a desire to claim that normal variations in behavior and mood are somehow ‘disorders’, paired with an appropriate medication. This follows the ‘medical model’. However, the vast majority of these so-called disorders have no objective biological or genetic markers. They are simply arbitrary and subjective labels. 
    IMHO, it’s all about the big pharma-big psych money [$$]; I contend that the majority of ‘disorders’ are fairly common, transient, and self-resolving events. In fact, many ‘psychotropics’ are no more effective than placebo, in most cases. Also, such drugs have many dangerous side effects, some of which can even do lasting or permanent physiological harm. [note: The author does claim a degree of expertise in his opine, holding both a BA in psychology, and a MS in psychopharmacology] 
    The problem with both the labels and the ‘disease’ model is that now, your government wants to group and define you, and limit your rights, based upon such subjective criteria. It seems the administration is intent on using any prior diagnosis or treatment as proof of incapacity, without adjudication; a catch-all for even greater numbers of average citizens. Diagnosis or treatment is now so prevalent that a majority of people may be included in this ‘group’ at one time or another, at some point in their lifetime.  In fact, ever-increasing numbers of our children are being diagnosed with psychiatric ‘disorders’ and treated with psychotropics. It’s getting way out of hand.
    <√out the seminal documentary>:
See also: FULL INTERVIEW- VA Psychiatrist Exposes National Gun Confiscation Program  (Interview with VA whistleblower who reveals 'bamanite scheme [see above re: vets, also] )


The various groups and populations listed above make up a majority of all Americans. For example, the sub-group ‘Christians’ make up nearly 80% of the population, just for starters. Although it would be difficult to separate these groups into discrete populations, because many people are members of two or more of groups, it is reasonable to assert that the addition of members of all the other (non-religious) groups would certainly add even more people to the list of ‘extremists’. Adding to that all the other persona non grata groups listed by the current regime, and masses of radical extremists could go over 90%. I think that it can safely be stated that 90%—or even 50%—of a population CANNOT BE CALLED EXTREMIST; we’re talking moderate, average, or everyday Americans here—the majority. WTH is wrong with these ‘bamanites? Are they simply insane? It seems as if they have all gone over-the-top.
The populations of these so-called ‘extremist’ groups makeup the majority of Americans. It is both irrational and illogical to assert that the majority of people are now somehow radicals—by any definition. Instead, the real extremists are government elites, propagandists and their (mainstream) media minions who support and purvey such crapola. These people need to be stopped—arrested, and maybe even institutionalized—they are evidently not thinking rationally, and have suffered a break with reality. 
Q: Can we continue to allow certifiably-insane people to run our government, or to maintain control over our news and information, our money, our society or our national security? 

A: --Hell, no!

Q: To Rob us of our God-given--inalienable--rights, &/or infringe upon our Constitutional rights?

A: --Hell, no!

Problem: The Tragedy of the 'Sheeple'
I think that a majority of people just want to live their lives, and to be left alone (alas, poor sheeple). I concur, wholeheartedly. However, the problems we face now are the direct result of the "me-me" attitude, ignorance, and apathy. Many people just don't seem to 'get it'--they aren’t even aware of anything strange or sinister happening right now, because it doesn’t directly affect them. 
The sheeple go about their compartmentalized lives, and watch their MSM news, while shoving GMO chips into their mouths, by the handfuls. They chomp and drool on their microwave platters, and mindlessly text what few friends they have, and go on to their mindless, compartmentalized jobs, day after day. They blindly go about their day-to-day, not realizing that there are a tiny minority of Banksters out there taking away the majority of their earnings via taxes paid to their minions in the government, while simultaneously lowering the value of what little he has left. They actually believe that paper is somehow “money”…
Poor, ignorant, trusting “Joe Sheeple”; he actually believes that there is a difference between Dems and Reps, and that his vote ‘counts’. He maintains a positive attitude regarding his gub’ment, and trusts that they are, deep-down, striving to benefit he and his fellow Americans. Police, the military, and ‘Homeland Security’ are there to “serve and protect”. There are no bullets. ‘They’ will never invoke the NDAA…whatever that is…
Poor Joe…He spends more time ‘farming’ on Farmville (™) than he does actual gardening in his yard. He actually believes all those food-like products, the chemical cleaners, and the personal care goods in the supermarket are tested, safe and/or nutritious—hey, the gub’ment wouldn’t allow food companies to poison us—would they? He has no backup food storage, and will begin the painful march to starvation, as soon as supermarket shelves are emptied, [following the false flag event-to-come]. He doesn’t even know what ‘SHTF’ means. He doesn’t believe in owning guns, and questions why anybody else would ‘need’ an ‘assault rifle, much less a high capacity ‘clip’...
However, even Joe Sheeple will soon wake up, once the ‘proverbial’ tipping point is reached—when things get really bad, and start affecting him and his; he too, will join in the fight against these insane globalist usurpers. We will have the numbers on our side. We have powerful liberty-loving hearts and minds that will overcome. If it comes to war, we will prevail, because we have ‘right’ and ‘good’ and yes, God,  on our side—against Him, who could prevail?
Q: Has Washington somehow been infected by some kind of ‘insanity’ virus? Perhaps a strain of socialist-idiot pox? Maybe there is a new strain of an IQ-lowering bacteria in the water?[GMO?] WTH? Are the left-leaners eating a big [no, HUGE] box of Dumb-Ass for breakfast—everyday?
Maybe it’s a box of GMO Dumb-Ass…
(Blame that on Obama too; he maintains a constant assault on us via his Monsanto ‘food-fascism’ force.)
A: I don’t claim to know WTH-ever is happening to these yo-yos, and I don’t have all the answers. However, I do know that whatever it is, it’s dangerous, and we must resist and rebel against their push for what seems to be their goal of total, authoritarian, takeover; you and me, and all of the remaining who are awake and still ‘sane’. The time has come to take away these usurpers’ government-rule ‘toys’ and send them to the rubber room for a bit of ‘time-out’.
Conclusion:  All of he foregoing groups comprise a large majority of ‘everyday’ Americans. Those who believe in freedom, justice, and the American way; a nation of people who believe in God and the golden rule, and who are wary of a potentially tyrannical government. These people have different sociocultural and political views, espouse different religious beliefs, and may differ by many characteristics. However, It’s not about race or politics—or any other divisive distinction. We are all brothers-in-arms, when we come under attack. We all experienced this patriotic sense of solidarity, after the events of 9/11; we need to rekindle our unified American identity in order to affect changes, take back our sovereignty, and restore the USA to its constitutional republic status. We are under attack, people. WAKE UP!
¿y T u ?
GT—a fellow patriot
Bibliography & References:
* ‘Clickable References’ here…
a) Full Report (143 pages) Christians, in general, estimated to be 78.4% of all adults; of that group 23.9% are Catholic (see Fig. 1, below)
b) Some relevant Vet stats include:
“22 million…living military veterans in the U.S.
1.6 million…female veterans in 2011
2.3 million…black veterans in 2011
1.8 million…veterans younger than 35 in 2011
7.5 million…Vietnam-era veterans in 2011 – or 35 percent of veterans
5.1 million…veterans who served during the Gulf War and post 9/11 – or about 29 percent of current veterans
[also] 3.5 million…veterans with a service-connected disability rating. Of these, 810,245 have a rating of 70 percent or higher ”
c) Estimates [2010] include 40-45% households have guns, and 30-35% of adults, or ~70-80 million Americans own guns (including 40-45 million handgun owners);
d) As of most recent estimates [US Census data], ~75% of the US population(~315 million)  is ‘white’, and so approximately 38% —or about 121 million are white males. 
To be more realistic, population-wise, see the chart (Fig. 2) for [white]males 18-65 years old. A pretty large chunk of the US population, to say the least.
e) Although difficult to get a true grasp on the sheer number of people who might be diagnosed as having a mental ‘disorder, NIMH claims:
Mental disorders are common in the United States and internationally. An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.1 When applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18 and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people.2 Even though mental disorders are widespread in the population, the main burden of illness is concentrated in a much smaller proportion — about 6 percent, or 1 in 17 — who suffer from a serious mental illness.1 In addition, mental disorders are the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and Canada.3 Many people suffer from more than one mental disorder at a given time. Nearly half (45 percent) of those with any mental disorder meet criteria for 2 or more disorders, with severity strongly related to comorbidity.1
In the U.S., mental disorders are diagnosed based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV).4”

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