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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Heat Wave

Yeah, the heat wave is nearly over; it's been triple digits damn near every day this summer, it seems. Forecast this week brings it down into 80s-90 [F]. What a nightmare it has been, vainly attempting to keep all my outdoor plants going this year. At some point, I gave up on thrive, and settled for survive (yes--that bad.) Typically, I have a veritable 'jungle' going on in front and back, with flowering stuff nearly all year, when its temperate, anyways. I like lots of green plants around, both indoors and out. Just a 'thing' of mine ;I admit I seem pretty successful at it, usually. Up until recently, I actually had green grass around my deck area, but it is tired, and I tire of trying to keep it green. There's something about bare-footing it outside, with a soft green turf underfoot. It's all dry and crunchy now, and the earth is baked. Maybe I will just let it go, and hope it rains...

Fat chance of that though--hardly a smattering, all summer--devastating. My chilis and tomatoes have hardly produced anything, all season [ 'cept  my yellow Hungarians, which seem ok]. There may be fruit yet, if/when it cools, and we get RAIN. Of course, I get out and keep 'em alive via watering--almost like taking care of kids or something <geez>. Gma is pretty tired of the whole scenario, and my Bro is pretty well disgusted with his first year here gardening, too. My glass is half-full though; surely I will "endeavor to persevere" until things get back to 'normal'. The weather predicts chances of rain the next few days, esp at night, which could get things restarted, if measurable quantities fall...

We shall see.[gotta run, and move my hose...]

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