
A collection of satirical, political, spiritual and humorous writings and ramblings on various topics, including current affairs and issues, the Great Awakening, health, toxins, prepping, bachelor life, and more. Look for commentary and stories meant for understanding, and even a good chuckle, as well as some useful tips and insights. Hermit tested and approved√

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Rich Man, Poor Man...

Yeah, if I were a rich man, DoDoDoDeDoDeDumm! WTF? I am not, and frankly, haven't ever wanted to be, a rich man. The truth is, I never cared for the concept; fretting about finances and such--too much w-o-r-k. Being a C.A.B. (see elsewhere on blog) has sufficed, and I never went hungry, just making do. That said, however, I do respect those who work hard to attain financial enlightenment and independence--I really do. Usually it takes years of work and planning, compounding interest, etc...

What pisses me off is the inevitable rich man-poor man BULLSHIT that keeps surfacing whenever there's a Dumocrat commenting about gub'ment financing the debt, etc. Man, if it's not race, it's class warfare for those idiots. Why do they have to always pit Americans against one another, and play that divisive shit? Truth is, those Ds have virtually enslaved the whole population of America with that crap; one group dependent on entitlements and gub'ment giveaways, and the other made guilty for not needing it, and slooowly bled. It's inevitable that Ds will totally crash the economy into the toilet if they start amping up the tax code to squeeze [even] more from the 'haves', so they can redistribute to the 'have-nots'. Yes, it seems that the Ds are really socialist/Marxists--who the fuck doesn't know that that system JUST DOESN'T WORK, HAS NEVER WORKED, AND WILL NEVER WORK? It's a system that defies the human need for freedom, independence, and continual striving for improvement. Some are guilt-ridden liberals who are indeed well-to-do, or comfortable, and perhaps have a masochistic need to punish themselves for not being unfortunate--poor--themselves. I dunno; maybe some are just plain stoopid. It takes all kinds...

Ill-educated, and/or simply naive, people who get suckered into the class-war BS may think that people are somehow entitled to a free [eg.,] lunch and such, perhaps because they might think the 'rich man' is somehow keeping them down. Maybe it's just human nature to want shit for "free", but, one must realize that it's not the 'gub-ment' that's footing the bill, it's from somebody else's pocket! Politicians have suckered people into little dependencies and programs voters think are "free", only to stay in power and maintain control over these weak-minded fools. The worst part of it all is that many, if not most, people feeding at the trough really don't actually need many of these freebees! But they DO add up--think 43 MILLION+ on food stamps alone! Medicare/-caid is likely the biggest cash-burner, though. Once secured into the system, it's a free-for-all for the Med-Pharma-Insurance Complex to greedily suck off the tit (In reality, sucking off wealth from nearly all Americans)--and the costs NEVER go down--only up-up-up! These are HUGE sums, on a per capita basis, given the sheer numbers who qualify. Few people had put in as much as they're getting out, especially given their longevity, the high costs of meds/testing/treatment, and the burgeoning 'baby boomer' population that is sure to overcome the system--soon! However, once on a program, it's hard to get off--to push away from the table--kind of like addiction[s]. Meanwhile, the gub-ment goes on spending, borrowing and spending, till the day of reckoning... 

If the giveaways were cut, terminated, or managed efficiently, maybe the wealth redistribution might be allayed, and those poor devils [us] footing the bill might even have enough capital left to invest in American businesses/manufacturing/jobs! ('course, right now, with the volatility, they might just hang on to any surpluses. Good--people need to save more...) Who is on the govern-tit? Damned near everybody--low-to-middle classes. Even some rich and powerful people and corporations are feeding, via subsidies and tax-breaks. Some are lazy people, the ones who might think hard work simply means getting paid less for doing more. Some were borne into poverty, but had neither the smarts nor the gumption to improve on their situation. Some don't deserve shit--but get it anyways.

Given, it's not just the Ds who got us here; Rs sheep along too, for whatever reason[s]. The simple fact is that we are not getting out of the abyss by taxing anyone more, especially those in a position to expand the economy and employ more people [OMG, who would even THINK of doing that?].

The truth is that the gub'ment needs to balance the budget, make it mandatory to do so, and cap spending across the board. Weed out stoopid programs that don't show measurable results. Start operating like a business, per se. Means testing should be implemented as well; we don't need to give Food Stamps to 43+Million people, now, do we, REALLY? Or free lunches and after-school programs to damned near anyone? No more spending $$ we don't have! I'm not suggesting we stop helping one another, but let's get real. We broke-ass bitches, as a nation. Simply STOP spending $$ we don't have. Simple as that. Problem solved.

To those that are inclined to redistribute their wealth, and, to help free them from guilt, I say set up a donation program [hey, even online, through PayPal?]. You folks who feel you must give away your monies simply give till it hurts, if need be. Go right ahead--but leave the rest of us out of your giveaways!  We need freedom and independence from big gub'ment, and their foolish spending ways! It's not about being rich vs poor, or a race thing, or a guilt thing; just common sense. Cut that spending and get gub'ment off the backs of Americans, and we will get by, even improve......nuff said...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Predictions For The Coming Collapse...

I like to think that I have a kind of 'sixth sense' about the way things will happen in the future; when things turn out the way I said, or thought, it's kind of like a deja vu. For example, I remember telling my young boys waaay back about how people [in future] would be watching [thin] big-screen TVs mounted to their walls, and that someday, somehow, the technology would enable everyday folks to actually pick out what they wanted to watch on the internet; movies, programs, documentaries and the like. Well, it just dawned on me the other day that that reality had already 'crept' into existence. Yeah, and a lot of the content is actually free! (Look for great gains in this trend with the modern 'Cloud' computing concept becoming more advanced, BTW...Ya! Apple Inc!)

[Cheap-ass-Bastard addon:] I have been debating the pros and cons of purchasing cable for some time now. However, the 'bargain' packages I might be able to afford seem to be loaded with a bunch of 'junk' channels only the most hard-up viewers could stomach. Further, their stuff is mostly available for free via Hulu or marginally cheap on Netflix, streamed for under ten bucks/mo. Yeah, if you wanna pay 50-75.00/mo, you can get a few decent channels, but for TV??? C'mon, mon. That shit is financed by frackin' commercials already, and then they wanna SELL you access to it, and not even COMMERCIAL FREE?? Again, C'mon, mon. I will pass. I don't even have a 'TV' left in the house, and frankly, I have more 'TV' than I could watch [available] in my lifetime. No, it's not necessarily the most up-to-date, or cutting-edge stuff, but WTF--good enuff--and, I can get most movies, in time, on DVD, sent right to my house...[/CAB]

Anyways, I digress; Collapse, I recall, and something about predictions--yeah, now I remember! I'm going to go ahead and predict that, yeah, the Dollar, the US economy, and the world's fiat system will fail, and (yes, you can quote me on this) 'fairly soon'. Now, "fairly soon" may be rather ambiguous, even nebulous, but...WTF?

It seems that endless, foolish, debt-financed gub'ment spending is catching up with the US and world realities--wake UP! There is no spoon, and there is no backing for all our fiat currencies--they're all just printing TP. We is all po, and we is all bankrupt. Not just the EU, but US and even China are debt-ridden corpses walking slooooowly to the grave.

In the US, if one factors in the obligations to SS, Mediscare, and Mediscam--uh, I mean, Medicaid--we are fully in debt 60-70 Trillion--with a capital "T"--making our future generations literally slaves to the debt (figures I recall seeing were to the tune of about $700,000 per family) [revised-9/2/11: Read full article...] Of course, they are not going to put up with paying off our boatload of debt, and so revolt and/or collapse is inevitable. The rest of the West is likewise indebted.

I give it five, maybe ten years, tops, till SHTF (shit-hits-the-fan) Only collapse can lead to a rebirth of sane [or different] monetary policy, however painful it will be. I suspect--no, I predict--that what will emerge from the upcoming global financial/monetary collapse will be an ushering-in of a 'new', world-wide accepted form of fiat currency, likely backed by some kind of commodities index. [say, like stuff that everyone really needs and uses--Eg., FOOD?] Will we really be trading 'foodstamps' for everything? Likely. You can't eat TP, and gold/silver will be beyond the masses. 

Hmmm--what an insidious plot to usher in a new, unitary [one-] world gub'ment--Shit can only go downhill from there. Our favorite 'Banksters' will somehow be in charge of this "money" system, however, and we will all still be slaves to their system. Exchange a slap in the face for a kick in the groin, anyone?

Now I want to be a third-world farmer--one of the truly 'rich' men of tomorrow (first be the last, anyone?). Aquaculturist, maybe?? Yeah. That's the ticket. Grab a shovel...

Friday, August 19, 2011

"Phony" People

The other day, I saw a humorous article somewhere on the web, with a joke that goes something like this (No, I can't remem where, and this is paraphrased/my version):

A man steps into a stall in a public restroom and goes about his 'duty'. After a bit, he was surprised to hear a person in an adjoining stall say, "hi, how are you?".To this, he retorts, " well, fine, thanks". Other person: "So, what's up?", to which he replied, "Well, I'm taking a shit, if you don't mind". Next, the odd fellow nearby asks, "can I come over?" Now annoyed and a bit apprehensive, the man replies, " No, I'm kinda busy over here, ya know?". Following this, the other person says, "Hey, I'll call you back in a minute--there's some asshole in the next stall who keeps answering my questions...".

Lawl! Yeah, that was funny enough for me to actually laugh out loud. But it's also a commentary on the 'phony' people and a seemingly addictive habit of phoning &/or texting which now pervades society. I gotta tell you, as an old-school fart, I just don't get it. It's so frackin annoying--all this phony BS!

I mean, Does one really need  to be in constant contact, like say, in the 'can'? And, does anyone really care where one is going, or doing, on a moment-by-moment basis? I think not. It may be that everyone 'tweeting', is indeed a twit, and a deluded, self-important, perhaps even narcissistic, person--to think that anybody really gives a flying rat's ass regarding what and/or who they're doing, or where it occurs. There's limits here that have been exceeded.

Somehow, there's got to be a brilliant person or group that is laughing--besides me--all the way to the bank. "Gotcha!, you stupid, gullible, and suggestible world!". Twenty years from now [ya, if I were still around], I would not be surprised to find that these addictive twits all end up with some weird kind of cancer in their brains/face/ears. I will coin it now: Telenoma! LOL!
...and that's the way it is; Friday,19 August 2011...

Monday, August 15, 2011


Yup. These financial times are pretty ominous. Stock markets crashing, gold fever bugs crawling everywheres, and a plethora (myriad?) of complete idiots doing absolutely nothing about it. Its like "Surprise! years of foolish spending and debts have [dum-dum-dum] consequences!". I am amazed. Not.

So, what does this mean to the average 'Joe [or Jane] Poor' (not to be confused with Standard & Poors). I'm talkin 'bout those without thousands in savings and/or IRAs, or disposable income, etc--the average poor bastard, living the austere life?

Well, first off, there's the insidious inflation effect on everything to subsist upon--you know, frivolous things like groceries and gas (which are 'disallowed' in the new government figurings, as a means to measure inflation [go figure! WTF?]). Buying power of the Dolla is rapidly shrinking due to QE, and resultant loss of confidence in the US, world-wide. One must generally do with less--a belt-tightening, if you will.

Next, decreasing services and entitlements. Yes, the Post Office is going broke, and you WILL be paying more for luxury items like health care and medications, as well as stamps (do people actually use the mail system, or is it totally a business-thing-only? really? If you use this system, just ¡Stop it!). The 43+ million people sucking off the governtit may have to start eating hamburger helper and buying generics in the supermarkets, as food stamps, free lunches and after school baby-sitting programs might be cut back. Wait...I thought there was no such thing as a free lunch <sigh>. What will we do? Hmmm... just what did people DO before these programs started redistributing wealth--uh, I mean...

For sure, there must be huge cutbacks in defense spending, and bailouts of european countries, [our] banks, etc, will have to cease. Whadyamean uhn-uh? Global policing and/or imperialism will be curtailed. Wait a minute. So, how does this affect Joe again?

There will be a paper shortage, likely from the excessive quantity of phony bills coming off the presses back in the so-called 'Treasury' Dept. We might be paying more for our TP, as a direct result! Frightening. Simply horrible. Whatever happened to the so-called 'paperless office', BTW?

There will be huge job losses and our manufacturing base will disappear. Wait! Wadyamean that already happened? Shit--how insidious! People will be on unemployment for two years or more, or for as long as they extend it. Who pays for this stuff, anyways? Shit less, cuz there's that paper-shortage thing again...

Politicians will blame it all on anyone and anything but themselves, but end up kicking the can to the next generation, so, what the hell? I blame us, for letting them do this shit, leaving Joe Poor even mo' po'. Even if we default, devalue, get further downgraded, or whatever, there will be paper flying everywhere for as long as [stupid] people accept it as payment.

The gist of it is, Joe Poor will have to get by on even less. But there is a limit to how long this continues, and the survival mode kicks in. That IS scary. Surprise! Soon, Mr Po will be rioting and looting like it's London or something; coming SOON to a large city near you...
[edit: 10/7/11--√out this video...]

My advice: Stock up a year or more of canned goods and imperishable food packages, and LOTS of TP, cuz the feces are about to hit the fan. buy lots of gold and silver (yeah, right--Mr. Po has no dough), cuz nobody is gonna accept that TP in your wallet very soon. Might get some more ammo, too.

C & C for breakfast--Again? ( A breakfast primer 4 noobs)

Ya, that's not what you think; it's short for Coffee and Cigarettes, my usual thing for breakfast. Why?  First off, it's freakin' early, and my system is in need of a kick-start; I'm not usually feeling like--hungry. Next, is the convenience factor; takes--what?--two minutes--to fix a pot, and even faster/easier to reach for those smokes. Finally, it comes down to restricted choices: a bowl of sugar [they call this stuff 'cereal'] or <sigh> cooking a decent meal ( and I mean, like bacon & eggs or similar/biscuits and gravy...). In the end, it's just easier to fix a pot and reach for my lighter. Sometimes, even more lame; for example, today I had a pot of Gevalia-mix sitting in my thermos--still warm enuff to put off a reheat! Woot!

Now, there is a key factor here that one might overlook; eating is not a 'schedule' thing for me; rarely do I eat "three squares", and if I did, I'd probably weigh 250 lbs. Frankly, I just don't expend much energy sitting around here most of the tyme, and I simply don't need that much fuel. I eat when I feel the biological urge to do so [you know, 'hunger' feeling?]. Yeah, that may seem crazy to some who might think schedules and routines are really good for you, but did you ever think that maybe (just maybe) our own systems have their own timetables, that may not conform to one's expectations and/or needs to make life as banal as it can be? Try scheduling in a 'shit' at 2:30.

OK, so, what to eat, if one is actually hungry? Back in the day, when folks actually did physical labor on a daily basis, it might have been a decent idea to load up on carbs for breakfast (cereals, etc.), although this is a matter for contention. Slopping down 2-4 ounces of sugar[s] seems sub-optimal to me, regardless of the 'need fuel' idea, however. I think it has been well-established that this type of breakfast (sugar rush) burns off quickly (if one exerts), then leaves one burnt-out and crashing. Better to get in some protein, and some fats for more extensive fueling supplies. Frankly, the 'cereal' idea was dreamed up to help dispose of our grand surplus of grains so many years ago, thanks to government subsidies and the ag-complex. Get over it; Pass the bacon, man. Top it off with a couple eggs and maybe some refried beans sizzled in the bacon fat--¡Yeeah, baby!

Yes, proteins are probably optimal, and fats are acceptable--down with carbs, in general. Forget the toast, unless you're making a bacon sandwich for on-the-run. Also, don't be fooled by the so-called 'healthy' whole-grain crapola. It's still just a buncha carbs likely to top the glycemic index 'Hall-of-fame'. [Sometimes I just eat a bacon on [buttered] toast sammich (yuumm!)]  Hmmm...I wonder what those [crazy] vegans would eat? Tofu steamed to perfection, with a smattering of freakin vegetable bullshit? who knows, and who cares?

Daym! Now I've gone and made myself hungry, bloggin this; now I guess I'll break down and cook up some bacon & eggs (B&E) to top off my C&C...