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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Xmas & ‘Easter’: What & How & Why Are People *Really* Celebrating?

(Videos re: Historical origins of our modern traditions)
Here, I supply a few examples of many sources extolling the truths of this ‘season of Satan’, and the many symbols, practices, and meanings underlying the ‘christmas holiday’. It is SO OBVIOUS after a perusal of these truthful videos that anyone with eyes to see, and ears to hear can and should understand that the celebration is abomination. We have been tricked into the snare—but we can and should reverse the process and STOP THE  (indirect) SATANIC WORSHIP! Don’t continue to honor the prince of this world, and his systems of worship—it is so obvious how we were deceived—resistance is so  STUPID. Stop it…just stop. It’s not that hard to do what is right in God’s eyes.

**Also, please refer to my own playlist on 'Xmas' ala YouTube at:

Why Christians Shouldn't Celebrate Christmas [19:56]

Pastor Wagner tells how the winter solstice is the real reason why confused people celebrate at this time of the year, and how true ‘Christians’ should not participate in these deceptions… Explains why it is not good to adopt the heathen ways, as the RCC did…see-Deut 12:22 & Jer. 10:2-4++ (√ good biblical supports and info! .)

True History of Christmas/Saturnalia! Jesus Is NOT the Reason for This Season! Xmas Deception [39:27]

“The beginning is from "Puritan Pictures Church III", and the Main/History portion is from "Christmas - What Your Pastor Doesn't Want You to Know - Parts 1-3). Brian Moonan also just produced the first video of a series about the truth behind Christmas that was amazing.. check it out if you get a chance! Please share this with people who want to know the truth!” Good historical root of Babylonian sun-god worship practices we continue on, apparently oblivious… (√ good video!  good info!) People who worshipped God in ‘their way’ were cut off from deliverance out of Egypt and 3000 killed by God at Mt. Sinai…think you are OK? 

The Real Christmas Story - Historians reveals the pagan origins of Christmas [34:28]

Early pagan rituals, celebrations, and evolution of icons & traditions into a commercial, and mainly secular, ‘holiday’ including yule, ‘St. Nick’ or santa, 12 days of xmas, etc.

The Quick Truth about Christmas and Easter [8:44]

Early efforts of Roman rulers’ combining pagan traditions, of Babylonian origin, with ’Christian’ themes, in order to secure control and maintain rule. Also discusses feasts of the Bible, and how Jesus (Yeshua) kept them diligently, as we should. However, these, and the Sabbath, were outlawed by Roman rulers—traditions we DO adhere to…

The Truth about Easter: The Churches Have Lied To You [5:18]

Symbols & traditions of the fertility festival of pagan roots, and how ‘Easter’ was celebrated before Christ was crucified, by Herod and others, as mentioned in the Bible…

Truth Or Tradition -Should Christians Celebrate Christmas And Easter? [1:24:50]

Jim Staley’s Passion for Truth Ministries accounting of the origins of various ‘holidays’, including ‘xmas’, ‘easter’, etc. (This is really good, in-depth TRUTH√)
History, truth, and the Biblical perspective on the deceptions perpetrated upon us, unwittingly... This is one of the better vehicles for gaining truth and understanding the deceptions of our ‘festivals’ or ‘holidays’ which typically honor pagan or satanic rites and traditional practices. 

Shocking But True- "Is Christmas Christian?" [29:23]

From a group at Crusade TV—Reveals so-called holiday ‘christmas’ and its many icons has its roots in pagan traditions & observances (eg., Nimrod-Babylon-sun god worship), and Catholic mandates. Addresses the “ …well, that’s not what *I* am doing” deception or excuse, and the curse of well-meaning, but wrong, practices, which are outside of God’s wishes. [ IMO: This is pretty good, and includes biblical referents√ …some good perspectives which are lacking elsewhere…]

Christmas - The Truth Your Pastor Wont Tell You About Christmas [9:55]

Fairly concise and accurate historical & ‘religious’ perspective  warning of the pagan practices, with biblical referents, and relays meaning of some key symbols/icons. (√ good.)

Christmas Satanic Pagan Illuminati Holiday EXPOSED !!! Introduction [52:05]

[√ good] synopsis of many icons, symbols, etc associated with xmas  ‘holidays’ . Contains clips from Doc Marquis’ works (former satanist), exposing the pagan & occult aspects of our traditions—going back to Babylon.  These are traditions of Man, taken from Satan and promulgated by TPTB…explains a LOT of details re: the colors, sights, sounds, and schemas involved in the 'holiday' might be shocked!

Christmas: Illuminati Exposed [27:58]

Another good exposĂ© of the holiday, and the many traditions, and how pagan things are turned into ‘christian’ things, via deceptive satanistic devices.  Devious substitutions and replacements for the various sun-god variants, and queen of heaven are performed to ‘hide’ what we really are worshipping… Open your eyes and see the Truth as it is plain as day! 

Origins of Christmas History Channel Documentary - YouTube [44:40]
[basically] A state-sponsored review of the pagan origins of ‘christmas’, which inherently portrays ‘Christians’ and religion (in general) as simply spinoffs of the pagan traditions preceding. Some value as an historical documentary, and more recent revisions of the traditions, including the institution of Police forces in response to xmas ruckuses. Also the books, movies, artwork, and stories (ie., propaganda) which helped to popularize & commercialize this ‘holiday’, and secularize it’s characters (like ‘santa’). Weak in connecting Babylonian etiological beginnings and true meanings of pagan icons & symbols..mediocre rating here :(