Yup, all I want for Xmas is my two front teeth--umm, I mean--a Bushmaster (or any decent AR)! After the recent media assault re: yet another mass-loony-tunes shooting, I gotta change my wish list. Man, I cringed at the obvious propaganda play-up, aimed at instilling greater emotional reactions to the killings. The music and images used were spot-on to aggravate anger and sorrow. I'm talking so-called 'news' coverage, but especially the morning programs. I immediately said to my son…"You watch--they will be going after weapons now--their excuse is primed". The media adeptly began their propaganda Blitzkrieg--Geez--it was so transparent. They are using this tragedy as impetus for gun control, at a time when we Americans cannot afford to lose any more of our rights. Not like this...
Don't get me wrong; the killings are and were atrocious--unforgivable. I admit I was touched by the media portrayal, too. I'm human, after all. However, this is a time when we all need to keep it rational, when we are talking about losing even MORE of our inalienable rights. There is simply no room for emotional knee-jerking responses to this latest event. Just say "NO"! We were suckered by a similar dialectic after 9/11; the 'Patriot' act. Since then, Bush n'Bama have eroded our constitutional rights via knee-jerk laws, as well as through quasi-legislative acts and orders that bypass Congress and the peoples' rights. After writing this, for example, I am probably now on some nebulous HL security watch-list as a terrorist. After all, I am Christian, and I do support: the Constitution and the rights contained therein, gun ownership, third-party advocates, Food gathering/preparedness, and other such 'radical' ideas they key on in their internet-spying sweeps. How many millions of us are there now?
One can only hope that there are enough rational people out there to fend off the latest push to rip guns out of civilian hands. Luckily, many Americans saw through the media ploy, and the handwriting was completely legible to more than just myself. (On early-morning news today I saw that 130,000 new AR-type weapons were purchased in just the first few days following the propaganda blitz) We know your tactics and ploys, you damned media puppets...
I can't afford a decent AR, so that's why I'm asking Santa for one. Oh, and a couple thousand rounds too, eh?
A collection of satirical, political, spiritual and humorous writings and ramblings on various topics--Hermit tested and approved√
A collection of satirical, political, spiritual and humorous writings and ramblings on various topics, including current affairs and issues, the Great Awakening, health, toxins, prepping, bachelor life, and more. Look for commentary and stories meant for understanding, and even a good chuckle, as well as some useful tips and insights. Hermit tested and approved√
Please check or re-check the 'Seminal' video series OFTEN for updated content &/or videos...GT
Please check or re-check the 'Seminal' video series OFTEN for updated content &/or videos...GT
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Reality Sets in, Post-election…Should We Become Republocrats?
Reality Check: The 'Fiscal Cliff' Illusion and Election-year 'Blowback'
There seems to be an excess of smoke and mirror effects originating from both sides of the aisle. Recall that this upcoming 'event' was devised jointly via bipartisan committee agreement. In reality, it was a cowardly scapegoating move for both parties, so that neither would reap the blame, directly or immediately, for things that really need to get done (but that are dangerous to endorse, for either party). The fact is, both revenue increases and spending cuts are a true necessity, if we are going to limp on down the fiscal highway. Now, it's all about the blame-game though; who will take the brunt of the blame for the truly necessary cuts and revenue increases--who will be the real scapegoat?
Clearly, Democrats have no fear of being seen as protectors of the proletariat, so continuation of their ongoing class-warfare campaign is a no-brainer; they are pleased to be positioned squarely against the so-called 'rich' (defined as those earning >250K/yr). In fact, they have positioned themselves to be the peoples' heroes with regards to both taxing and spending. Advocating a tax on the highest 2% makes them seem like they support the 'people', or average, (lower?)mid-to-lower class earners--the majority--and so does proposing weak (essentially nil) budgetary cuts. In reality, its neither a real budget-boosting increase nor is it a seen to be a real personal burden to simply add a few additional points onto their (the 'rich') tax burden. That is, the resulting increase in revenue would neither make much of a dent in the deficit, nor break the backs of the 'taxees'. The latter will either wince and grumble, or grin-and-bear it; either way, they're essentially screwed, and nobody else cares. Those 2% don't likely vote for them, anyways--a win-win.
On the other hand, by opposing either of the former (weak and ineffective) positions, Republicans are, by default, positioned as advocates of the 'rich', which feeds the class-warfare monster. Trying to reframe the issue to include such nebulous things as 'deductions', instead, further embeds them into the 'rich' camp; what the hell are deductions, to the average 'Joe', anyways? Likewise, advocating deeper cuts in spending is another alternative, but such would surely be demagogued as 'draconian' cuts, further alienating the party from the masses. However, there is a way out of this vicious circle of total BS; taking control of rhetoric and getting real.
Getting 'Real'
It is inevitable that some group must be taxed, but neither party is going to commit political suicide by suggesting the middle or lower classes should be targeted. However, In reality, everyone knows that we aren't going to get out of this fiscal mess without doing so. Lets talk about "fair": Talk about fairness. The reality is that everyone will have to suffer to some degree--and that seems only fair. Everybody will have to share in the solution; not just the top one or two percent. Maybe propose a sliding scale tax increase for everybody, with 5% on millionaires down to 1% at lower brackets? yeah, I know--suicidal, but real. Likewise, There must be huge, even draconian, cuts to the budget. This means that non-discretionary spending must be reined in. This will inevitably lead to pain at the lower end of the financial totem pole. However, to do nothing, or not enough, means we all go down the tube, and I'm talking total financial collapse. On the brighter side, the reality is that after a (perhaps prolonged) period of shared pain, we would all benefit from the eventual recovery and a return to growth and prosperity. Try selling that to our instant-gratification/there-is-no-future generations…Ha! no way!
What, then, is a better 'reality-based' solution? Republicans need to reframe themselves as the protectors of ALL Americans--the protectors of our capitalistic society and for all the freedoms that go along with it. They need to make the government (not the 'rich', or Republicans) seem to be the 'bad guy', as Reagan did in (better) days-gone-by. Get to compromising on things that matter, while asserting points all Americans can agree with. Agree that, OK, the two percent will be taxed a bit more, and then agree to compromise with Dems on whatever minute cuts that eventually will be set in motion--as a compromise, they should be able to get some decreases in spending beyond those proposed initially by the Dems/Obama--Hey, it's a start. Not enough, agreeably, but a start. We could build from there in the near future.
Then pound the message into the public regarding the real problems facing us. The fact is, even if we SPENT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ($0.00) BEYOND NON-DISCRETIONARY SPENDING, WE WOULD STILL BE RUNNING A TRILLION DOLLAR [+] DEFICIT--EVERY YEAR! Show them simple graphs to reinforce their understanding, because the truth of the matter is, the public has no real idea of the sad state of the Union! Educate the public! To anyone and everyone, it would seem, therefore, ridiculous to be adding additional 'stimulus' spending, as proposed by Obama--this could fix that obvious mistake, if it is pounded into the public psyche. Also, as suggested by Steve Forbes recently, set the Republicans as champions of the retired 'everyman' (OK, already mostly their base, but seems more universally friendly to all, as everyone [eventually] uses both Medicare and/or Social Security) by mandating that Social Security trust fund assets be converted to marketable Treasury bonds, instead of fake 'IOUs' now present[*]. Selling such bonds would raise some cash, while strengthening the public's confidence in the shaky (ponzi) scheme as well as government, in general, and Republicans, especially. Cut off subsidies to everybody and everything not required for national security. This means farmers, as well as oil companies. Give some of them a withdrawal period to ween off the teet. They will either adapt and survive, or fail. If they can only rely on taxpayers' money to get by, then they need to find something else to do or produce--simple as that. We also need to be assured that big businesses and banks (etc) will never be bailed out--ever--again. Again, if they fail because their practices were unsound, even criminal--as it has been--they deserve to fail. We all feel like we got the shaft, while big business got all the breaks--for free, and off our backs (then gave huge salaries and bonuses to CEOs); it's that kind of favoritism that is clearly not seen as fair to the taxpayers, and it widens the gap between the classes--not good.
Other 'Real' Reforms or Proposals that Republicans (and really, Everyone) Need to Back:
Support Freedom, Privacy, and Constitutional Rights as 'Untouchables'
The last few (Obama and BushII) years have wreaked havoc upon our Constituion and our rights, fueled by so-called 'terrorist' threats. Frankly, the chances of being actually threatened by some terrorist act are pretty slim-to-none. I feel more threatened by losing my rights--and I WILL fight for them--with foreign or domestic enemy. So you Republicans better wake up and start championing our rights--and the potential loss thereof, or we might become really disenfranchised. Use fear--Scare the public [yes, scare!]--by constantly drumming about those fascist executive orders [&/or public bills], 'Homeland Security' measures (etc) allowing surveillance, arrest, and detainment of Americans without charges [even indefinitely]--and then propose some legislation to prevent governmental abuse of our God-given rights from happening--&/or go to court!! I tell you, I don't know why these things go on without more Republicans expressing extreme outrage, but if they don't 'nip this in the bud', I'm afraid they have lost my support. Period. Forever…There is just no excuse for undermining the Constitution, and our rights, as set forth therein!
Promise to Revamp the Tax Code, Balance the Budget, and Fix or Phase-out Social Security:
All, without putting anyone in the 'poor house'. Yes, the tax code is huge, unwieldy, and unfair. Simplify it and make it fair for everybody, and increase revenue overall, by 5%. Cut spending, across-the-board, by say, 10%. If we limit growth on all governmental programs, we should be able to balance the budget within a few years--a decade at most. Doing the foregoing would not only save America from itself, but also increase confidence in our government, and improve both the economy, as well as our credit rating. Keep a good safety net under us, and add flexibility in times of war or national distress or disaster. Make Social Security into a real retirement program, or simply mandate a retirement program for all, akin to health insurance, yet keeping it out of governmental 'hands'. We all know anything done by government is full of waste, fraud, and abuse, so keep it private, and keep it fair. Explain how the current ponzi scheme will not be tenable as the baby boomers drain off all the funds, leaving nothing for the next generations. One must also consider 'Means Testing' for 'entitlement' programs; Since we don't have enough for everyone to get benefits, in the long-run,we should reduce or eliminate providing them to those who don't 'need' them. The difficulty will be setting limits that would be seen as 'fair'. Perhaps a voluntary opt-out program with some added incentive, like discounted services or a tax break of some kind?This is a better alternative than raising the retirement or Medicare eligibility age, which is certainly not viewed positively, by anyone--and is not fair.This will also enamor the younger generation--future voters, and those who simply hate anyone who might be thought of as 'rich'.The truth is, if it's fair, we will all sacrifice in order to save America--just recall the last world war--Propaganda works wonders.
Get Tough on Government Corruption:
Get tough on graft and corruption in the 'evil' government by proposing limits on, or better yet, eliminating lobbyist organizations' ability to 'buy' favors or influence via campaign financing. Get money out of the hands of Unions, corporations and PACs by limiting donations to small amounts by individuals ONLY, and make these transparent and open to public scrutiny. Perhaps limit contributions to those from their own home state or district? Pass a campaign finance bill mandating free TV time to be equally divided among competing candidates or parties--the networks will hate it, but if framed properly, it could be their 'public service' contribution to our society, and their duty. Could this actually enable people to vote for a good candidate that perhaps has limited or no funding from outside--even a real 'average Joe'? I hope so! Eliminate the revolving door of congressional office holders going into lucrative 'consultant' jobs (etc) in corporations they helped via legislative action (yes, we, the people [aka everybody] see that as obvious corruption) and eliminate their retirement benefits altogether, unless they remain active as a career of 20+ years. Alternatively, put them all on Social Security retirement and healthcare plans (yup--they would have to pay in, like everyone else). This should be done for all government employees, as nobody should get any advantage over everyday people. These things are needed for Americans to see that their politicians are not just a bunch of crooks working for 'the man' or the banks/corporations. Yes, we need to see this happen!
Address Real and/or Perceived Waste, Fraud and Abuse:
Do an independent, internal audit on every program of any significance to evaluate, then eliminate, waste, fraud, and abuse. Offer real incentives to governmental employees to increase efficiency and save our tax dollars. Doing the foregoing will both energize government employees, as well as increase positive opinions towards both them, and the government. It would also engender positive opinions upon those who promote and achieve success (Republicans )We need to see government working for us, and for public employees to be seen as public servants once again. EZ cost-cutting example: Cut off Saturday mail service. Yeah, we can wait till Monday…
Advance Both Education and Employment:
At present, we are getting an 'F' in education, even compared to most 3rd-world countries. This spells 'doom' for both our children and the future, as well as our future economy. Considering the current system pumps out increasingly worse students for increasingly greater per capita spending, we need a new system! We need to free up our children to become all that they can be, instead of holding back everyone to the level of the least able, as it is currently. My proposition? First, drop the requirement for attending 12 years of school, and stop reinforcing the status quo of current 'education' practices. Really, the limited skills needed to graduate are truly pathetic, by any standard. However, in a more modernized system, people could gain more knowledge, faster, and be on their way to a well-paying career in any field in which they truly excel. Everyone benefits, and America will remain prominent. How? Design a free, universal education plan that can be implemented as individualized and self-paced study, in addition to guided studies using instructors, as needed. A core curriculum could be produced that can be implemented online, with modules for myriad 'elective' or alternate topics, as desired, and with demonstrated proficiencies, even advanced, or college-level, topics. All that would be required are some computers and/or pads, or even a big screen monitor for larger classrooms, and the coursework modules. Such coursework could be used in extant schools, in which many parents rely upon now mostly as babysitters, or could be used at home, or in smaller study groups with supervision, or a combination of both, as needed. Those without a computer could lease/borrow one, or be given one every 'x' number of years--the money saved on school administration and salaries could be considerable, so this is not really a sticking point. Use a pool of current teachers and professors to get each subject's content certified as meeting minimum competency standards, at each level of study, and get started educating our children the right way--on an individualized level. States are already doing so; this can be done so that even home-schoolers can get the accredited skills and competencies in all subjects deemed (universally) necessary. States could maintain their own standards, as well as control content. Those particularly adept at one or more skills could also improve and accelerate their learning, independently, and perhaps enter into an industry or educational apprenticeship (see below). We could likely save a lot of money, time, and resources, while simultaneously improving the overall education of our children to be able to compete within the global market.
As an adjunct, and in partnership with industry, devise and implement a voluntary mentoring/apprenticeship program for our youth, especially for those fields of employment and education in which we are lagging behind other countries, or behind the expected needs of the near future. First off, this would ensure that our changing needs for future technologies will be met. It would also encourage employment, and at an early age--gainful employment--not service jobs. This should be a partnership between people and industry, or educational institutes, not necessarily government. If it is beneficial to all parties, then it will be good for the economy, and will be deemed a good idea by both parents and youth. This could help the party gain support that will carry on for years, even generations.
Reform the Judicial and Prison Systems:
Stop dumping money into failed projects like the 'war on drugs' and on incarceration facilities for the 'victimless' crimes. Stop legislating morality and get out of people's lives, and out of our families' business. If we spent as much money on promoting economic growth or needed infrastructures as we did on prisons, we would not be in the spot we find ourselves. Geez--legalize or decriminalize drugs, and then tax them like cigarettes and booze, and we would be in the black in five years or less, probably without even cutting spending. Use some portion of those taxes to promote rehabs. Also, if we didn't have such a FAIL school system, there would be more competent people to be working at jobs, instead of leeching their lives away in our prisons. Economic improvements set in motion by aforementioned proposals would also mean more employment for underemployed populations, decreasing crime rates overall. For those imprisoned, I suggest we mandate that they work in order to pay for their own room and boarding costs. Perhaps we would not need illegal immigrants to pick our farm produce, do our landscaping, keep our common areas clean,etc., if we had access to convict labor? Maybe even get a profit for the states? Maybe a convict could learn a trade that could keep them out of prison in the future? Maybe we could compete against the Chinese if we trained cons to work in actual factories?These are really worth doing, or at least considering.
At any rate, if the Republicans can't get it together, and Democrats continue their socialistic, class-warfare routines, maybe we should all form a moderate, middle ground party aimed at American peoples' core values and virtues--without all the posturing and rhetoric, and BS social issues--the Republocrats? Think about it...
(*see Newsmax.com: http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/Forbes-Boehner-renewal-letter/2012/12/07/id/466928?s=al&promo_code=11075-1)
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